I was there in 1990, when it was called Zaire, and run with an iron fist by Mobuto.
It was a big adventure. We travelled from the east to Kisangani by trucks on really bad roads.
Then bought a dugout canoe and went west along the Congo for about a week until the big floating barges caught up.
Then took a plane from Kinshasa to Lumumbashi - the fare was based on our weight / kilo of coffee
It was an amazing trip that kicked my arse. I was 19/20 at the time.
It was a big adventure. We travelled from the east to Kisangani by trucks on really bad roads.
Then bought a dugout canoe and went west along the Congo for about a week until the big floating barges caught up.
Then took a plane from Kinshasa to Lumumbashi - the fare was based on our weight / kilo of coffee
It was an amazing trip that kicked my arse. I was 19/20 at the time.