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Baldur's Gate III

4-years-to-the-day bump. Releasing worldwide next Thursday, but if you buy it beforehand you get a free upgrade to the Digital Deluxe edition.
Steam purchase? What's in the upgrade?

I really shouldn't be this excited about a video game at my age. But i am. Recently finished all the old games (and kept the pantaloons).
No Linux version :mad:

I recently got BG 1 and 2 in some bundle as I never played them at the time, but it reminded me how much more time I was prepared to spend playing computer games in one sitting back then. Just a filthy casual now.
Steam purchase? What's in the upgrade?
Yes, Steam, or I think it's on GOG too. The deluxe edition has the soundtrack, some digital art books, and a bunch of flavour items that are mostly references to their previous game Divinity Original Sin 2.
Anyone know what race/class they're going to go for yet? I'm probably going human and some sort of caster, I hardly ever play melee in games if I can avoid it.
Anyone know what race/class they're going to go for yet? I'm probably going human and some sort of caster, I hardly ever play melee in games if I can avoid it.
I fancy being a shadow monk, which is essentially a ninja. Probably Githyanki as they get Jump at level 3 and then Misty Step at level 5, which will aid my ninja moves. Quite interested in Druid of spores as you can create mushroom zombies like "The Last of Us".
I'm not as familiar with 5.0 (2.5's my thing) but i'll probably go with my usual Human Paladin called Clang Overbier.
My gaming pal who played previous versions with me won’t play it as it’s turn based combat. I agree that would be annoying in a co-op game but wouldn’t necessarily put me off. Although I tend to like games being one or the other, rather than a mixture of real time and turn-based.
Any views on this?
My gaming pal who played previous versions with me won’t play it as it’s turn based combat. I agree that would be annoying in a co-op game but wouldn’t necessarily put me off. Although I tend to like games being one or the other, rather than a mixture of real time and turn-based.
Any views on this?
Yes. Turn based. Every time. Or the option, so that filthy casuals can indulge their perversion if they want to. I played the whole of wrath of the righteous turn based and yes it took like 150 hours or something, but it was great. Does this not offer both then?
Hmm... Barbarian? I never play Barbarian, and I would like to rage. But mebbe not. hmm.
wizard/rogue is always a good one in a game like this (if it provides a tank henchman or you get decent summons) but for sheer solo survivability in D&D it has to be a cleric/fighter, preferably dwarf
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