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Asda vs Paypal, refund advice?

Karl Masks

Birds Angel Delight
Don't know if anyone can answer this. I used my paypal for my mother to buy some clothes from Asda. Product was delivered but for some reason refunded. Asda don't seem to know why and have said the only way to refund the refund would be through a 'chargeback'. This would be, presumably, through Paypal, but the latter have said that's not possible.

I don't really understand all this. Asda's mistake and while I'd be happy to keep the money I'd be happier just to sort it out properly. Is there anything I can ask Asda to provide so I can just pay them the money? There's no refund the refund option in Paypal so unless they send me an invoice I'm not sure what to do.

Alternatively I could spend that thirty quid on Iced Gems
Fuck'em. Their mistake. Not up to you to sort it. This happened to me with PayPal on a hotel booking. Hotel said I'd payed PayPal never took the money from my account. Wife thinks i treated her and payed for our next overnight. Baddabing!
Fuck'em. Their mistake. Not up to you to sort it. This happened to me with PayPal on a hotel booking. Hotel said I'd payed PayPal never took the money from my account. Wife thinks i treated her and payed for our next overnight. Baddabing!
Problem is I've already contacted them about this. Smart move would have been to say nothing. But it wasn't my purchase so I cahsed it up. If Asda and their frankly dire customer service don't provide a proper invoice then they get nothing. Not even an iced gem. Their mistake, I'm not liable
Reckon Coop is involved in some clandestine tomato smuggling operation, sneaking them across the channel and past the border guards. :hmm:
They used to have their own farms, but sold them off when the co-op group self-combusted spectacularly due to the chairman of the co-op bank being exposed as using drugs and prostitutes. Not sure if they sold some of them or all of them. They might still have some?
They used to have their own farms, but sold them off when the co-op group self-combusted spectacularly due to the chairman of the co-op bank being exposed as using drugs and prostitutes. Not sure if they sold some of them or all of them. They might still have some?

Wasn't he a cleric of some sort?
They used to have their own farms, but sold them off when the co-op group self-combusted spectacularly due to the chairman of the co-op bank being exposed as using drugs and prostitutes. Not sure if they sold some of them or all of them. They might still have some?
They sold them to the Wellcome Trust a few years back

Paypal wouldn't do the chargeback. In fact i told Asda NOT to attempt this. Not least of all because, having spoken to Paypal, was told that wasn't an topion anyway. You can't just ring up Mr Paypal and say "so and so owes me money, make it rain son". Now they want me to supply my debit card details. I'm kinda thinking that's a big NO NO from me. They can sing for their iced gems before I'll email my bloody card details!
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