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Are there really no regular bars open in Brixton on a Wednesday after 1am?

They kind of do since the big law change about 10-15 years ago but it’s also dependant on individual circumstances. A venue in a railway arch some distance away from residents is always going to find it much easier to have an application for late night drinking approved than one directly underneath residential homes of course. If a bar had been previously restricted to 11 pm closing times because of residential objections, the fact that 24h licenses are now legal is going to make sweet fa difference.

It’s not much of a law change though if bars still have to apply for late licenses. In fact it's pretty much exactly the same situation as previously. The whole idea was supposed to curtail the binge drink culture in this country that's exacerbated by pub closing hours. Thus, people wouldn't get so readily pissed, shouty, and vomity outside of bars, and we'd have a more relaxed approach to drink, a la virtually every other country.
The Effra Hall is a bit later than most places, isn't it?

On occasion, on the way home from another bar which has closed, I've called in there to use the facilities when the circular urinal beside Iceland hasn't been up. Then ended up having three more pints alone.
24 hour licensing was a cruel con.

I imagined it being like in American cop shows where you can finish your shift at 5am and go for a pint in a near empty, run down, local city centre pub, where the music wasn't too loud, and it was full of lonely men who just fancied a beer.

The future is shit.

Fuck yeah. I always wanted it to be like the John Lee Hooker tune. Or After Hours.

But no. All the late bars play loud fucking awful music and are full of people I don't really want to talk to.

That said I did have a rare mid week lockin in my local til 3 30 the other day. Only me a mate and the landlord, bar staff and Total jukebox freedom.
The Effra Hall is a bit later than most places, isn't it?

The Effra Hall Tavern must be the earliest pub in central Brixton to close, despite being one of the best. There is no chance of you getting a beer in there by about 23:45, even on a weekend. I assume it is because it is in the middle of residential streets? I cant imagine they enjoy cutting off a pub full of thirsty people so early, in comparison to the other pubs nearby.
It’s not much of a law change though if bars still have to apply for late licenses. In fact it's pretty much exactly the same situation as previously. The whole idea was supposed to curtail the binge drink culture in this country that's exacerbated by pub closing hours. Thus, people wouldn't get so readily pissed, shouty, and vomity outside of bars, and we'd have a more relaxed approach to drink, a la virtually every other country.
Drinking habits have changed in the years since the license changes, but not in the direction you were hoping for I fear... away from casual drinking in local boozers (which continue to close at an alarming rate) and towards weekend drinking in big city/town centre venues. I'm not sure this is something that could be changed by further deregulation though, I think it's much more complex than just allowing pubs to open when they please.
I was out late last night in Soho and at 1am it was dead. What the fuck has happened to London?
The Effra Hall Tavern must be the earliest pub in central Brixton to close, despite being one of the best. There is no chance of you getting a beer in there by about 23:45, even on a weekend. I assume it is because it is in the middle of residential streets? I cant imagine they enjoy cutting off a pub full of thirsty people so early, in comparison to the other pubs nearby.
That's told me, eh? To be honest, if I'm wandering Brixton in need of a piss, chances are I won't be entirely aware of what time it is.
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