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Apps for cyclists


The Cake of Liberty
Can someone recommend a good cycling satnav app? I downloaded Bikemap for Android, but every time I try to use it to plan a route it tries to get me to switch to the premium version at £5/month. There must be a way round this.

For recording my rides I used to use Runkeeper, but it started freezing on any rides over about an hour and it looks like lots of people had the same problem. I now use Map my walk, which works pretty well.
Strava is good for recording rides, but can lead you down a dark path if you start getting obsessed with segments…
I've got this great new cycling app called Putting Your Fucking Phone Away And Watching Where You're Fucking Going.

And unlike most apps, it doesn't sell photos of your kids to the Chinese government and you don't have to pay extra for the ad-free version.
We’ve had a long thread on this; I’ll see if I can find it.
Here you go Maggot

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