If you bothered to read my posts here and elsewhere you'll see I've regularly complimented Apple on their products, their design and their user interface. If I could be arsed, I could easily produce a long list of recent positive comments I've made about Apple but is seems you're blind to them. But let's put it to the test - can you find some posts where I've criticised, say, the iBook?
But what does irk me is how people - like you - are happy to regularly play down their nasty business practices and constantly apologise for the kind of consumer-unfriendly antics you'd be quick to condemn if it were any other company doing them.
And I find it bizarre that whenever I dare point out some of these practices, I'm immediately labelled a hater and 'anti-Apple.'
Sometimes it honestly feels like I've criticised a religion or something - just witness the way you and Moose are leaping on my lighthearted 'Herr Jobs' comment and trying desperately to infer some sort of Nazi connection.
It's pathetic, it really is. I don't hate Apple but I certainly don't like some of their business practices.
Here's a post of mine from just less than 48 hours ago. Can't you just
feel the hate?
But hey! Don't let your love of Apple get in the way of the facts, eh?