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Anyone been to Tunisia

Yes... it was shit :D

Tbf we went when it was cold, not sunny, stayed in the wrong place, everything was closed.... but heard some places are nice.

And there was no houmous anywhere!!!!
I didn't enjoy Tunis much. Too much hassle all the time. The Isle of Djerba was far more chilled out. On the whole I much prefer Egypt.
hammermett is where to go but it's a case of almost certainly getting a bad stomach at some point there little to do other than to wader roudn the souks and histrocial (badly maintained) ruins and ride camels or do the never leave the complex pool and tan booze and resurant thing...

tunis is a wierd place all modern arab metropolis which quickly fades into the desert like a hollywood back lot cowboy town very quickely...

sid abu said is near to where they filmed the desert dwellings and moss ielsey space port bits for star wars and the sand barge leah binki shots in RotJ but they aren't that intresting to look at san's any star wars figures or people even dressed up.

local currency is the dina which is a closed market economy menaing that you can only get currency in the country and it's utterly worthless outside of tunisia, the excahnge rates are set daily internaally and vary wildly ...

good leather goods from there though.

can't see me ever wanting to go back tbh...

it's an experince though and one of the few places in the world where i got a tan which didn't look like i hadn't washed for a week... beach is nice. if you liek that sort of thing...
Been in Tunis. Nothing spectacular. Very cheap. I was there off season and all the ruins in and around the city were deserted which was great. The medina is def worth a look but is very full on. You can't browse a shop for half a second before a shopkeeper is on you. Hell, you cant even walk by in peace. I also had to pull hands out of my pockets a couple of times.
I know two people who went (decades apart) and both said it was shit (unless you're only going for a suntan)
It is brilliant. Beautiful countryside, exciting cities, lovely people. Tell them not to miss Kairuan, the fourth-holiest city of Islam.
Didn't think much of it TBH.

Thought even less of the geeza who asked Mrs. B. if she'd like to make "Fucky fucky" with him. She pointed over to me and told him that I was her boyfriend, "That's OK, I can kill him if you wish."

Luckily she didn't wish.
I went with my mum and sister - had a mixed time. Met some wonderful people, got LOADS of hassle cos we had no men with us and in hindsight should have definitely hired a car and travelled around more. I think the tourist centres are very hectic (obviously) and we should have been more mobile.

I had a foodfight off a pirate galleon with another pirate galleon in the Med :D they took us out into the sea and let us climb up and jump off whereever we wanted - very funny! And I saw dolphins!!
Carthage the best thing about Tunis (and the tatty French colonial hotel we stayed in that had more than a touch of the Shining about it, but with a massive suite for next to nothing) Matmata was cool with the troglodyte villages (Star Wars set. Lucas also used the local style cloaks for Ben Kenobi's cloak, and borrowed the place name Tataouine for the film) Tozeur was interesting for its medina and old city, El Jem has a fuck-off awesome Roman amphitheatre with hardly any tourists. We had it to ourselves. Driving not as manic as other Arabic countries. Also hiked up the Metlaoui gorge as the train wasn't running, and caught my first snake.

BUT better places to go for a family holiday. English not all that widely spoken and my French is crap. But decent people and had some good conversations about Arab socialism and the disappointment at the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. Also lots of jokes about Gadaffi.

People were the most honest I have ever encountered.
Went to Hammamet, had a two-day trip to the Sahara, spent the day in Tunis. The most underwhelming holiday I've been on, though riding a camel for about 10 minutes was fun.
Oh dear. Not going to be a great holiday then by the sounds of things.

Fuck it. I'm gonna stick my heels in and suggest we go back to Turkey instead.
I liked kairouan, sfax - lovely old cities, the colisseum at El Djem is amazing, trip out to the desert or an oasis - but granted, its not for everyone.
We enjoyed it because we went with good friends and in winter - it wasn't hot there but it was a damn sight better than London - and it was very very very cheap. But if you have a choice between there and Turkey - Turkey wins hands down every time!
I quite liked it there, we stayed in Hammamet, nice hotel, nice beach and all that, did a two day tour to the sahara and on route stopped off as an ampitheatre, the salt lakes, trogodite homes and then onto the sahara where we stayed in this great hotel with a hot sulphar swimming pool. also did a trip out on a pirate ship type of thing.

I think it has a lot to offer but these are added trips that cost extra but I am glad that I did them as I'm not really into sitting on a beach for a week doing nothing
i travelled around tunisia for 3 weeks last year.it does have some amazing sites; sleeping in the desert with berbers,an almost intact colleseum that you can walk around in unlike rome where its all sealed off,jerbas really nice (michael jackson wanted to buy it), BUT.... as a girl i received so much hassel i dunno if it was worth it.i was travelling with my boyfriend and i covered up EVERYTHING (i only had a tan on my hands and face when i came back) but all the time i had men saying things to me in arabic, looks,laughs, was even groped when i was walking down the street.also another thing that really annoyed me was that men would never speak to me directly, only ever to my boyfriend.it got bloody annoying after a while. the whole expereince has really put me off travelling to anywhere muslim again
has really put me off travelling to anywhere muslim again

Surely not. Women in Bosnia don't get hassle, nor in Iran according to an acquaintance of mine. Woman I met in Kashmir didn't get hassles. Probably the same in Azerbaijan and other central Asian places etc.
i travelled around tunisia for 3 weeks last year.it does have some amazing sites; sleeping in the desert with berbers,an almost intact colleseum that you can walk around in unlike rome where its all sealed off,jerbas really nice (michael jackson wanted to buy it), BUT.... as a girl i received so much hassel i dunno if it was worth it.i was travelling with my boyfriend and i covered up EVERYTHING (i only had a tan on my hands and face when i came back) but all the time i had men saying things to me in arabic, looks,laughs, was even groped when i was walking down the street.also another thing that really annoyed me was that men would never speak to me directly, only ever to my boyfriend.it got bloody annoying after a while. the whole expereince has really put me off travelling to anywhere muslim again
It happened to me too. Its a very common experience unfortunately, however dont confuse Muslim with Arab.
Its not much consolation but Egypt and Morocco are far worse for hassle than Tunisia.

Jordan is much better, far less intense and people talk to you too :)
Surely not. Women in Bosnia don't get hassle, nor in Iran according to an acquaintance of mine. Woman I met in Kashmir didn't get hassles. Probably the same in Azerbaijan and other central Asian places etc.

true, as a muslim woman the men wouldn't dare to else they'd have her brother,father,uncle on their case but as a white blonde woman they just assume you're a whore and up for anything
When me & my girlfriend of the time were over there the only slight hassle was in the really touristy places. And that was 'humour' about swapping for camels or whatever. We got more hassle jointly as a couple about coming into their bloody shops. My main post is on the other thread I linked to on the last page. No mention of any hassle IIRC. Maybe it's changed in the last 5 or so years.

Sorry to hear you had it bad.
I went to sousse a few years ago, and the hassle was bad. I've travelled to Morocco and Turkey and did not experience anything like Tunisia. I also experienced a lot of rudeness and grabbing in the medina. Much preferred Morocco.
That's odd, my experience of Turkey was much worse- we were in Marmaris. Must just be different in different towns.
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