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Another Russian spy hit?

These days, the James bond stuff and false passportery is fucked because social media and stuff - the ruskies are on top of this - there has been a blanket ban on anyone working in sensitive areas, not just the james bond sections, from going to the WC this summer , such is the scope of the russian operation.

if this is Russia behind this (or more likely a proxy freelancer) then yes, this is saying we will bury you. don't you fucking worry, we are on top of this. this is headlines around the world. top quality marketing ploy.
It was virtually publicly acknowledged that the old Rossiya airlines outlet on Berkley square was an FSB London office. They never seemed to sell any tickets either.
I've not tried to fully swot up on this case yet as there wont be enough detail in the public domain yet. But I think I saw mention that this bloke was the one that the 'fake rock with a pda inside' was used to collect info from. As in that fake rock that Russia discovered and then mocked in their media, leading to further mockery about the incident on our topical panel-based tv comedy programs of the day.
And did anyone believe for a nano-second that this was suicide: Boris Berezovsky found dead at his Berkshire home ?

I've gone a bit rusty on all the details but I think this was one I had no trouble at least keeping an open mind on, could have been a suicide, dont think that possibility was ruled out and assassination ruled in to my satisfaction, not even close. Especially as, whilst Russia rather likely deserves its reputation for this sort of thing, several other agendas have an interest in making Russian assassination claims for propaganda purposes, even for cases where its a lot less obvious what actually happened. Unless I am to believe that no exile who has lost a considerable chunk of their power, influence and wealth would ever kill themselves, I will keep an open mind on all but the most blatant of cases.

As for this new case, the little detail we have so far does make it seem like it could end up in the blatant pile, but I often expect further plot twists so will wait.
I've gone a bit rusty on all the details but I think this was one I had no trouble at least keeping an open mind on, could have been a suicide, dont think that possibility was ruled out and assassination ruled in to my satisfaction, not even close. Especially as, whilst Russia rather likely deserves its reputation for this sort of thing, several other agendas have an interest in making Russian assassination claims for propaganda purposes, even for cases where its a lot less obvious what actually happened. Unless I am to believe that no exile who has lost a considerable chunk of their power, influence and wealth would ever kill themselves, I will keep an open mind on all but the most blatant of cases.

As for this new case, the little detail we have so far does make it seem like it could end up in the blatant pile, but I often expect further plot twists so will wait.

I'm sure there's a lot more to it than Russian guy pisses off Putin and gets whacked in the UK. But it does appear that quite a few Russians who have pissed off Putin do end up brown bread over here in murky circumstances...
His wife, elder brother and son have all died in the last two years.

That's a bit unlucky isn't it.

I was just reading about that. His wife died of cancer shortly after they came to England and their son died in Russia.
It does seem extremely unlucky.

I read a report ..can't remember which online paper...but it reported that one of the paramedics who arrived at the scene and helped both of them is also still in hospital
..it does appear to be very suspicious.
I imagine if you are a Russian spy who has betrayed your country and quite possibly caused the deaths of fellow spies there will be a lot of people who not only dislike you intensely but have the temperment and knowledge to see you off. I suspect it is not an official hit, more likely an ex spy or mafia contact who freelanced.
I imagine if you are a Russian spy who has betrayed your country and quite possibly caused the deaths of fellow spies there will be a lot of people who not only dislike you intensely but have the temperment and knowledge to see you off. I suspect it is not an official hit, more likely an ex spy or mafia contact who freelanced.

Why now though?
And why the daughter too?
I'm sure there's a lot more to it than Russian guy pisses off Putin and gets whacked in the UK. But it does appear that quite a few Russians who have pissed off Putin do end up brown bread over here in murky circumstances...

Someone from Buzzfeed was on Radio Five this morning - she said that her investigations had put the number of Russian dissidents (of various flavours) who had posed their clogged in the UK under circumstances that either failed the smell test, or who had 'FSB hit' written in letters you could see from the moon, was 14 since Putin came to power.

One had weedkiller in his stomach, but apparently that was 'natural causes'.
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