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Animating a comic strip

fcuks sake

send it to my email it isn't working at all when i try to download it :( this is so shit
is the actual swf file in anything you can send me? because i have adobe flash player and could play it on that
yeah, I'm getting it over to you via yousendit (just uploading the swf now).. tried doing this via my website but it just played the file rather than letting you download it when you access it, which is why I rar'd it.
Gonna be a few minutes but you should get an email link to download it to your addy shortly.
hopefully that will work.. otherwise I'd say it might be best for me to upload it to youtube directly and if you want anything changed then we can take it down, and once you have audio we can replace it.
we'll work this out :)
you should have a link from yousendit in your email inbox now. let me know if you have any issues with the file, or assuming that it works if there are any changes you want made to the video :)
Thanks so much, it works and is great (apart from a few minor problems that I pm'd you about lol). Is it at all possible to do the speech bubbles one after another lol on all of them?
I uploaded it on to youtube - tho without any sound or anything obviously. Getting some friends together to do some of the voices this week, it should all be done by end of april at most (and probably before). I watched some of the related videos that came up with the tags - some of them are funny as fuck :D
I might send you some files in a few days with the voices bigtom - altho it will prob not be all of them :) again thanx so much for your help. Last night my friend who also posts on here occasionally did the voice of "picket line guy" he sounded so pissed off, it was brilliant :D
Hi :)

Well, all of my voices are pretty much done (apart from one line I missed out today when I was recording it with a mate, and another email from a guy who hasn't sent it to me yet). However, there are a few sort of "issues".

One is the fact that the files I recorded on my computer are all .wav files and so are the ones my mate recorded.

The other one is the fact that some of them are all in one file even tho they're in different parts of the script. I could cut them up or something I guess but I'm not sure how to do this on my computer, unless I download that sourceforge thing.

The other one is the fact that some of them are missing either because they haven't been sent to me or because I just forgot to do it :rolleyes: This won't be a problem for long tho because I should have them in the next few days, or if I don't I'll just record it myself. I haven't organised them into any "order" so far - I suppose I better do this now!
Fuck the one I've missed out I could either get a mate to do or I could just do it myself, hopefully my mate in America will do it tonight tho.

The Scab's voices are fucking perfect though for the "part", really whiney, annoying and stuff :D
yeah, sorry was working at an all nighter over the weekend and have only just picked them up
Still not recieved the email from my mate, if he doesn't send it I'll record it myself, next week. xx
OK so Im uploading it on youtube now, I havent watched it though myself. I'll record the missing bit myself or get my mate to do it ...
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