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After Effects Animation Questions

This evening I have been looking at mocha tracking etc.
I wish I had CS6, that looks much better. I'll have a go at that tomorrow if I get time.
Quite a lot of this stuff is far more simple than it seems at first. CS6 tracking looks great and even easier. It will still take me time to feel at ease with it all.
I will have to conceive some kind of project to force me to make something interesting.

I also had a go at doing that crap 3D photo from a 2D that everyone is doing these days. I only did this because I hear it asked for all the time on productions that I have been on.
Obviously my version is crap and cut out badly etc, but I just wanted to prove to myself that it was as easy as it seemed in my head.
Ah ha. I have a great idea for a tiny mocha tracking project. I am sure it won't work.
In the mean time here are two bad picture moves. please bare in mind I would have spent a lot more time on them had I been doing it for real.
Just checking limitations.
Looks like a bit more photoshopping of the background would come in mighty handy.

Two more posts to 40,000 on this day my 40th birthday.
Birthday yesterday, so I stayed up drinking and made a little paper puppet with the intention of using mocha to track it.
Just a quick test but it was so simple I ended up using AEs two point motion tracker rather than mocha.

I only have a little crappy camera and matching the perfect crisp and clean scanned images to the video was perhaps the most challenging things.
Too much head movement, I will make it more subtile when I do the 'real thing', whatever that may be.
Obviously I can make it talk and blink like the last one too.
Anyway, this was all surprisingly easy and will actually look better if I borrow a decent camera.

Oh, one question though. I have the head as a 3D object. When I move the camera that is nested to it around The head moves in a sort of fake 3D way. All fine. However between the key frames it always enhances the move to change the distance slightly. It doesn't do this in the camera tool and it is a pain in the arse to correct. Unlike normal moves the camera does not appear to have an editable flow. Anyone know how I can stop it doing this?

Another test, this time with a voice.
I really need a better camera to make it work correctly. The tracking doesn't like the low resolution.

Kind of looks ok for what it is though.
Minimum rendering time, and little effort spent on anything other than the mouth.
The head movements are just random, I didn't try any 'acting' to the script, I was just bashing this one out before the school run.
Ah ha. I have a great idea for a tiny mocha tracking project. I am sure it won't work.
In the mean time here are two bad picture moves. please bare in mind I would have spent a lot more time on them had I been doing it for real.
Just checking limitations.
Looks like a bit more photoshopping of the background would come in mighty handy.

Two more posts to 40,000 on this day my 40th birthday.

I've done something like that to animate a few posters I've designed to a local store (the idea is to use them when they're at an event, on displays outside the store, etc), although I've just used regular keyframes. More than that seemed overkilling a simple idea.
I've done something like that to animate a few posters I've designed to a local store (the idea is to use them when they're at an event, on displays outside the store, etc), although I've just used regular keyframes. More than that seemed overkilling a simple idea.

I think putting them on a 3D plane is easier, it also makes for a smooth and natural move. You then just move the camera. Simple.
The difficulty is not revealing the 'hole'. This is where photoshop (or another similar photo background) would really help.
I think putting them on a 3D plane is easier, it also makes for a smooth and natural move. You then just move the camera. Simple.
The difficulty is not revealing the 'hole'. This is where photoshop (or another similar photo background) would really help.
I'll give it a shot on the next project :) It will probably allow me to do something a bit more complex, too.
You're moving through AE faster than me! I'm liking the idea of doing some animation stuff. I'd offer some advice, but I don't have much experience in the areas you're entering.

I was a bit too slow to access your earlier films :facepalm:.

You got the hang of that parallax scrolling pretty fast.
A sudden last minute trip to Tokyo means I will have to put any ideas on hold for now. Best I can do is film a couple of exotic backdrops for some paper lisa reports.
Now that I have made the puppert in the computer the only really time consuming bit is animating the mouth.
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