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Anarchism's conception of the State (and Switzerland)

Health and efficiency.
However, it does strike me as having some problems. I'm just not sure that communities are as defined by geography as they once were. Librarian municipalism's focus upon the municipality as the vehicle for change seems to overlook the fact people group together on many other bases. The most obvious example of this is the insufficient weight that this theory attaches to economic matters: an apparent failure to recognise the role of workers in their work.
like much theory it neednt be either/or - not mutually exclusive - the struggle for workers control of work should/could happen concurrently and the gains in any area of 'anarchist' struggle would give momentum in other areas.

and the fact is boroughs and wards exist and are an inescapable part of local politics - getting anarchists to engage on this level seems to me to be a good way to go. I think there is an enthusiasm to return to localism out there too, be it residents groups, postcode forums, sustainable food projects, etc. etc.

is rebel cities worth a read?
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