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An Appropriate Court Oath?


prismatic universe
The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

If you commit perjury you can be sent to prison, but can one really claim to even know THE truth? On any given topic, one person may claim to know A truth, that is you can only honestly state what you believe is truth according to your limited senses, knowledge, and consciousness, but surely one man's truth is another man's lie? Aren't the numerous documented cases of 10 different witnesses to one crime giving 10 different accounts, a scientific demonstration of the subjectivity of truth?

The whole truth is even worse, for the whole truth, is not only gigantic, but infinitely complicated, surely? Even on a small topic, one cannot be absolutely certain of knowing the truth, because of the relationship of 'facts'.

For me the whole truth is like a giant universe, so big plainly because there is so much of it, but also this isn't adequate because the whole truth is more complicated. It is like a giant universe where every atom is continuously in a relationship, acting and reacting, simultaneously with every other atom in the universe. So as a working example, in my kitchen I have a blue table, this is a truth. However, only holds true in relation to the constancy of other truths. It's only holds true, as long as there is light. With the absence of light, the colour blue ceases to exist, there is no longer a blue table in my kitchen once there Is no light. But even that isn't adequate.

Even if my table remained in my kitchen indefinitely, and there was an indefinite source of light, the table I have today, is not exactly the same table as I have tomorrow. In fact from second to second in the table changes, and is not exactly the same table as it was in the previous second. For if all other truths could be frozen in time, and the table left to stand, in enough time 100, 1000, or 100,000 years, the table would cease to be a table because it would collapse. Given enough time, even the debri of the collapsed table would disintegrate to dust.

So there are three elements to the truth surely? There is only one truth, the whole truth. Each ‘fact’ of truth, only remain true in relationship to the whole truth, and the whole truth only exists in relation ship to each ‘fact’ of truth. Secondly, the fact of truth are not static because of the contradictory relationship between ‘facts’. There is a dynamic to truth which means truth is constantly, thirdly, changing over time. So the three elements are, the whole, contradiction, and time.

IF,,,,, this is the truth, what would be an appropriate oath in court courts?
Are you acting as Tommy's brief RPM3?
no,it was an attempt to depoliticise a discussion of the nature of truth and limited consciousness, because personally discussing on the forums many topics I find exasperating the way people cannot grasp the complicated nature of truth, and so and then go on to make all kinds of spurious leaps of imagination they assign to my SWP viewpoint.

for example, I find your own comments about "contradictory levels of consciousness", fascinating and baffling in equal measure. BUT that doesn't lead me to say you are stupid or being deliberately obtuse.
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