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Amazon Studios to adapt Iain M Banks "Culture" series

It is going to be Consider Phlebas apparently. I hope we get to see the Idirans done well. Knock the
Klingons into a cocked hat..

I foget they were tripedal. God that's going to be a bugger to pull off. I think I'd be ok with bipedal Idirans if it meant having a producable show.

I think the effects budget will have to be quite substantial.
I was only lamenting the other day how nobody's tried to film one of Ian M Banks' books. I'm now happy to be wrong about this, but as stated already I hope they don't fuck it up. The version of Consider Phlebas in my head, the one from the descriptions in the book, is completely awesome, and frankly by now I'm used to being disappointed when I see a filmed version of a book which has already played out inside my imagination.

Still, I'm going to let myself be a bit excited for now.
I foget they were tripedal. God that's going to be a bugger to pull off. I think I'd be ok with bipedal Idirans if it meant having a producable show.

They have three eyes. You are thinking of the Hommadan.

That’s not how you spell it I suppose, but that’s how I remember the name.
I can't think of any tripedal animals. Are there any that are naturally tripedal?

Not on Earth, no. Bilateral symmetry is the main body type for higher animals, but kangaroos for example use their tails as a sort of fifth limb I suppose.
The most interesting characters are the Minds. How to get that across visually?

The minds I guess you could do via judicious use of avatars... Have to be careful, but could work. Kind of use the avatar to key the mind (of the viewer I mean) in to the character at certain points. Though it would be easy to fall into the trap of overusing them, e.g for inter-mind communication.

Jeff Bezos giving us a vision of Fully Automated Luxury Communism is ironic.

There was Musk with his naming of the Falcon drone ships too...
They have three eyes. You are thinking of the Hommadan.

That’s not how you spell it I suppose, but that’s how I remember the name.

No the Homomdan (I had to google it) have 3 eyes, the Idiran's have 4. Actually the non-human species would be harder to get right than the minds... In the end I think you'd just have to take liberties with Banks' versions, at least if you wanted them to be recognisable characters.
From what I know of Banks' politics, I don't think he'd have been overjoyed to sell the rights to his work to a stupendously wealthy union-busting Libertarian tech plutocrat in the US.

He didn't have any problem with having his books on Kindle or Audible and he was comfortable taking money from the Macmillan mega-corp to buy his BMW M5 so I think he would have triumphed in the struggle to come to terms with an Amazon deal.
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