Right, well that was pretty fucking pants..
I'll put my 2p's worth here.. and I'm gonna be completely honest.
We're shit, as a team.. we have some good players, but as a team we're pants.
We are not going to win by any stretch of the imagination..
Once we take this on board, we'll play a million times better, and we might actually have a lot of fun.
Key problems tonight were lack of midfield, and poor, sometimes non existant passing.. too many times people tried to run with the ball, or take it round someone when a pass would have been far better. with regard to the midfield thing, in fairness in was a stupidly small pitch.. but this still applies. people were not staying back enough.. and the defenders were coming forward too much, and the strikers were bunching, and not making space for the passes from the back.. probably why the passing was poor.
when i played for the other team it was too easy to hover up front and exploit all the space.. there aren't offsides in the tournie, and that will be a problem.
commumication was also a problem.. we've gone from too quiet, to shouting constantly and often with no need, with confusing results. only shout when we've made sure were in space, and we're sure the pass would be worth it.
depsite all this serious talk, I still think taking it as a laugh, and nothing more will be the biggest asset we can possibly gain. people were panicking on the ball, and getting angry with themselves, and it got pretty negative out there.. we need to laugh at our mistakes and move on, we need to get behind team mates and be really positive and enjoy it.
if we go on to sunday league after this, then perhaps we should take it more seriously, but for now we're pants and we're having fun.
anyway, apologies for the very slow start I made, I really did feel like shit, and in all honesty probably should have sat it out.. but football is something of an addiction.. not a sensible attitude.. so again, sorry.
well pleased with my boots.. out of about 10 shots on goal I scored 5, with 4 on target, only missing 1, and even then not by much.. I underestimated how much difference some proper boots can make.
having said that it might be cos I'm putting too much pressure on myself when I play with us lot.. trying too hard to impress, and play like I know I can.. once I'd switched sides I stopped caring so much, and did quite well (4 goals
).. maybe it's just me that needs to chill out.
to summarise.. if we chill out and have a laugh, like the lads we played with today did, then we'll be far better off.. and we need to pass more.
i can't walk cos of that blister.. and my groin is fucked.. anyone wanna massage it?