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Advice on areas to live?


New Member

I am relocating to London in August for my job, and I am looking for some advice on which areas would be good and mostly safe to live in!
A few key pieces of info:
  • I'm a 25 year old woman, so safety is important to me.
  • I will be working from bermondsey one day a week, so I would prefer it to be easy to get there, but because it's so infrequent i'll be in the office it's not a deciding factor. But commute must be under an hour.
  • I'll have a monthly budget of about £600 - 700 a month for a room in a shared place (from looking it appears that lots of places will be ok with this budget, but rooms will be small which i know and i am fine with)
  • I would like to be somewhere with things to do close by (parks, restaurants, cafes etc)
  • The closer into central london the better (but i understand my budget constraints this)
  • Areas that i've looked at previously or have been told both good and bad things are: Camden Town / Kentish Town, Angel, Bethnal Green, Clapham, Bermondsey
Thank you for any advice!!!
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Bermondsey is only 3 stops from Waterloo which opens up the whole of South London. Clapham has a lot going on and has great transport links but can be a little pricey.
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