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Actions against the policing bill

I think at this stage it's not possible to say without uncertainty that ‘there was a single banner with the slogan “KILL COPS” on it’ simply because in the most widely circulating pictures it looks like two banners being held together in the middle by one person. Hopefully that's something battle-hardened briefs are keeping in their back pockets for now whilst they wait to see what direction MPS-CPS go in.
"had failed to disperse" ... so there weren't many of them and the risk of spreading coronavirus was at its lowest, which is what they're supposed to be policing? Has there been any trouble at all that hasn't been kicked off by the police?
Fwiw, I'm not sure any great "explanation" is needed - maybe Class War never used that actual wording, but the spirit of it doesn't feel too far from oldschool CW stuff to me, and I'm sure there's lots of old Class War stuff that would cause frenzied speculation about it being a false flag op if it appeared today. I think some people just hate cops?
Louise Raw's questions in that post seem a bit shitty to me, of all the things you can criticise the UK government for I don't think being too welcoming to refugees and migrants is one of them, and on question 3) "When a woman was nicked for a ‘F*** Boris’ shirt in ‘19, why was he apparently allowed a ‘Kill Cops’ banner?" - surely the problem there is the nicking, not the banner being allowed, and the reason why the cops didn't arrest him for the banner is presumably because they thought they might get people fighting back if they steamed into the middle of the demo?
Demo in Folkestone occured yesterday without any aggro from the old bill apparently. I didn't attend as I am currently ill with a viral infection and felt like crap yesterday:

Not sure about exactly how many were there though. Kent Online report there were 60 plus. But Kent Live say hundreds were in attendance.

Doesn't look like hundreds in their photos though.
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I hear there was a good turnout in Norwich
If you like power, you’ll love Norwich City Hall. It’s from here that the regional administration runs our public services, and doles out cash to the needy and the greedy.

The building was formally opened in 1938 by King George VI, the stammering monarch made famous by hit movie The King’s Speech.

It’s ironic that his Majesty’s sub-standard oratory and crippling inability to make sense are mirrored today by the Labour councillors who control Norwich City Council. F-F-Fools!
Fwiw, I'm not sure any great "explanation" is needed - maybe Class War never used that actual wording, but the spirit of it doesn't feel too far from oldschool CW stuff to me, and I'm sure there's lots of old Class War stuff that would cause frenzied speculation about it being a false flag op if it appeared today. I think some people just hate cops?
Louise Raw's questions in that post seem a bit shitty to me, of all the things you can criticise the UK government for I don't think being too welcoming to refugees and migrants is one of them, and on question 3) "When a woman was nicked for a ‘F*** Boris’ shirt in ‘19, why was he apparently allowed a ‘Kill Cops’ banner?" - surely the problem there is the nicking, not the banner being allowed, and the reason why the cops didn't arrest him for the banner is presumably because they thought they might get people fighting back if they steamed into the middle of the demo?
One of the disappointments about the Bristol events has been finding out the cops were telling porkies about injuries, undermining any chance of a page three hospitalised copper
More plot thickening:

I mean that's just bollocks isn't it. This speculation is good fun but people are desperate to expose an undercover cop from images of social media and that just isn't a thing that is going to happen.

There IS a risk that activists are going to be flagged as cops though. Or be identified as being something to do with the banner what with well meaning liberal sleuths spreading their faces all over the internet.
Spotted on a stroll around the city centre today:
Not the greatest execution in the world, but that kind of surface can be tough on marker pens, or so I may have heard. Also, ran into a small impromptu protest - only four people at first, but after I went for a wander and came back, they'd grown to a dozen or so, which isn't that bad for a totally DIY event the day after a big protest on the same theme. Good chants as well - "ACAB/all cops are bastards/PLOs are bastards too!" or something similar. I did ask for permission before taking photos:
I mean that's just bollocks isn't it. This speculation is good fun but people are desperate to expose an undercover cop from images of social media and that just isn't a thing that is going to happen.

There IS a risk that activists are going to be flagged as cops though. Or be identified as being something to do with the banner what with well meaning liberal sleuths spreading their faces all over the internet.
Is it time to remind people about what happened to Rayshard Brooks' partner? I think it might be time to remind people about what happened to Rayshard Brooks' partner.
The most devastating example of how the racial lines and boundaries are reimposed comes from the example of Rayshard Brooks’ long-time partner, Natalie White, who offers the most blatant example of this racial policing seen so far. White was called out by so-called “woke” Twitter activists for her involvement in the protests in Atlanta over her dead partner. Eventually, they implicated her in the burning of the Wendy’s where Rayshard was killed. It is up to us to never reinforce these sort of bourgeois constructs of guilt or innocence. Whether she had a hand in the destruction or not, I don’t judge her either way. That is not up to us, we stand in solidarity no matter what. But I do hold accountable, I do place blame on the wanna be do-gooders, these “woke” Twitter activists who implicated her in what occurred. I lay the blame solely on those activists, and Rayshard Brooks lays the blame on them from the grave.
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