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Abuse of Children Rife in Religious Groups in England and Wales


Just more proof for me that religion is all about power and domination over others, as well as social control.

I don't think all religious people are necessarily bad, but that religion itself definitely is.

No doubt that not enough will be done about this and many people will continue to defend religion

No gods! No masters! :

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From the summary I heard on the news tonight it seems most of the religions named in the report are not exactly rushing to put things right.
From the summary I heard on the news tonight it seems most of the religions named in the report are not exactly rushing to put things right.
Probably right there.

These churches, faith groups and institutions defend their own. The worst aspect of abuse in a faith context is pre-empting a victim going to the authorities by asking for the perpetrator to be 'forgiven'.

Makes me sick.
There was a lot of abuse of children in football too. I was one of the many children abused by my football coach in the 1980's.

He was, much later, convicted of other sexual offences against children.

There was and is a lot of abuse of children in every walk of life. Some institutions have been called out on it, and like the FA, are now trying to make amends and also prevent it in future by creating proper safeguards. But it took decades of people calling for it, for them to even start the process.

These religious organisations need to do the same, obviously. As soon as possible.

Meanwhile, as has been acknowledged already in this thread, the abuse that happens within families, within private homes, goes on.

We really need to empower children, across the board, don't we.
There was a lot of abuse of children in football too. I was one of the many children abused by my football coach in the 1980's.

He was, much later, convicted of other sexual offences against children.

There was and is a lot of abuse of children in every walk of life. Some institutions have been called out on it, and like the FA, are now trying to make amends and also prevent it in future by creating proper safeguards. But it took decades of people calling for it, for them to even start the process.

These religious organisations need to do the same, obviously. As soon as possible.

Meanwhile, as has been acknowledged already in this thread, the abuse that happens within families, within private homes, goes on.

We really need to empower children, across the board, don't we.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you have recovered from that as best as possible.

I run a local football club that proivdes football to former pupils of my old Catholic school, despite my lack of any faith. I am militiant about the safeguarding of our young players and to be fair the FA now provides a decent framework for it. No doubt there is abuse somewhere, but we do our absolute best to make sure it isn't within our ranks.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you have recovered from that as best as possible.

I run a local football club that proivdes football to former pupils of my old Catholic school, despite my lack of any faith. I am militiant about the safeguarding of our young players and to be fair the FA now provides a decent framework for it. No doubt there is abuse somewhere, but we do our absolute best to make sure it isn't within our ranks.

That's great and as I said things did get better, but only after decades of being atrocious, lots of survivors speaking out and pushing for change, finally the Sheldon Review, etc etc.
Anyway my initial intended point was : it's not just religious organisations, it's an issue everywhere, in every institution.

Some have made changes, relatively recently, some have yet to do so, and where that's the case obviously pressure needs to be put on them to sort it out pronto.

We as a society disempower children, and then cry outrage when adults abuse them. That needs to change on an across all of society level.
Some old school associates and myself have been involved in attempting some form of recognition for the physical and sexual abuse they suffered at school. Perpetrated by Catholic priests, monks and lay teachers.

They completely separated the monastery from the school some years ago and made sure that the school couldn't be financially liable if sued in the future. We attempted to get cases heard at IICSA, but they didn't look at the place as they felt other schools would provide the needed overview at the inquiry.

These brothers in Christ think this is all about money. They say they want to close the chapter on this, talk about their current safeguarding policies and then wring their hands, claiming powerlessness to even acknowledge people's traumatised lived experience.

Fucking cowards.

ETA: Sorry, this time of year evokes shit feelings, Autumn term etc..
I lived next door to Jehovah's 10 years ago. I could often hear the daughter shouting 'please stop it daddy'. I wasn't sure whether it was sexual or not. I reported it. Nothing happened. They moved shortly after, the son fucked them off and moved south.
I've moved since, and one day answered my door to the nonce ( not proved) and he went to go into his spiel, the penny dropped and he just said 'oh'. I replied 'oh yeh, fuck off and do one' and slammed the door . Wish I booted him the cock the creepy fucker.
Anyway my initial intended point was : it's not just religious organisations, it's an issue everywhere, in every institution.

Some have made changes, relatively recently, some have yet to do so, and where that's the case obviously pressure needs to be put on them to sort it out pronto.

We as a society disempower children, and then cry outrage when adults abuse them. That needs to change on an across all of society level.

It is everywhere.
You're right. Anywhere children get together you'll find pedophiles.
Swimming clubs. Scouts. All sports clubs. Religious institutions. Schools. Choirs. Drama clubs. You name it.
And families.
And authority figures.
And enablers in society in all sorts of high places.

The boy scouts is also rife with paedos. Who would have thought that nonces would gravitate toward gatherings of children. These places should be under constant and extreme scrutiny.

Those who scrutinise might also be involved...😟
Probably rather more abuse takes place within families, but while people feel free to knock - and rightly so - organised religion, they're rather less willing to knock the family

Absolutely fucking spot on, the most frequent abuse takes place within families.

I am ok with giving any religion a bit of a shake up (the sooner we do away with this nonsense the better), but the majority of abuse takes place within a family unit in a family home.
C wing had a noticeable number of vicars🤬.
The cadet forces had a nonce problem along with any organisation that deals with kids.
Once organisation get dragged screaming and kicking into the light they usually try to remove perpetrators and put in place procedures to stop them.
Religion not so much.
I lived next door to Jehovah's 10 years ago. I could often hear the daughter shouting 'please stop it daddy'. I wasn't sure whether it was sexual or not. I reported it. Nothing happened. They moved shortly after, the son fucked them off and moved south.
I've moved since, and one day answered my door to the nonce ( not proved) and he went to go into his spiel, the penny dropped and he just said 'oh'. I replied 'oh yeh, fuck off and do one' and slammed the door . Wish I booted him the cock the creepy fucker.

If you have serious concerns about him and know his name, it might be worth making a new report; attitudes have changed in the last ten years and he may still be in a position to abuse.
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