I lived in a DUP controlled council area as a kid . I shit you not they employed this wizened old cunt in a big council gaberdine coat to go round the estates playgrounds on a Saturday evening and chain the swings and the roundabout up so you couldn't play on them on a Sunday . And that was the least of what they got up to .
So now the great British public can experience the joys of being partly ruled by this shitshow , and have this shitshow to thank for the imposition of more austerity and all that agenda . The spotlights going to be well and truly on them . If ever there was a compelling argument for a British withdrawal from Ireland this is the one . Everyone's going to see..hahahahaha . at long last . Hahahaha . This is a turd that can't be polished, certainly not up to UK standards .
I'd say also Stormont may well be fucked now, pretty much . Why would the DUP want to share power with the shinners when they have the Tories by the balls and all the power they could ever want ? Theyd be totally undermining a massive ace in the hole . that freakshow looks like it could be fucked now . How can, for example, the British government conceivably continue to pose as " the honest broker " when the Orangemen have them by the short and curlies ? How can they do the usual knocking heads together and making threats and deals when the DUP holds all the cards ? Stormonts on its arse and I'd be surprised if it gets back up . That whole set up may well have had its day , and not before time . I'd be very surprised if Stormont and the Belfast agreement don't go under the bus after this . and that'll leave the shinners completely fucked as they've absolutely nowhere else to go north of the border . Again no bad thing at all .
And quite frankly I fail to see how liberal Tories like Ruth Davidson..a pretty outspoken lesbian about to get married to a southern Irish woman ..can sit comfortably with this lot . It's an alliance born out of sheer desperation . The DUP are a fucking gold mine for Tory critics . Putting the spotlight on their antics would definitely yield real political currency in the UK . The Tories have anchored themselves to a seriously whiffy turd . They make Katie Hopkins look like ...jeremy Corbyn . They're fucking atrocious .