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A list of major non muslim terrorist attacks in Europe recently


Just to settle an argument

I said that all of the terrorist attacks are fucking dirty arab muslims and they should just fuck off to their own shithole since that is how they do it over there but in Europe we are beyond that
My friend disagreed

There was that fat geek in Norway who shot a bunch of hippy kids, but that was the only atrocity that was domestic. All of the other ones are nasty little brown cunts

He called me a racist, but I said it's not racist, it's factual

Who was right? Me or my friend?

I bet this is deleted before anyone is allowed to name any terrorist attacks on Europe that were not from those backward religious people cunts
and it's not islamophobic, it's like how australians aren't arachnophobic not wanting those huge spiders in their hourse. spiders are just better off in their holes in the desert than our houses
great rebuttal

May I answer your first point with the fact that yes I will fuck off because I only come on here about once a year and that is not by choice because if I come on here and engage I get kicked off inevitably because I'm perona non grata. This also plays into my hostility. I try to be nice and honest, but it's impossible to be honest on here because there is a groupthink and if you want to be outside of that you have to be a total gent. Which I sadly am not

As to your second point. I'm very open about my general sadness and cuntiness. I suffer from manic depression or whatever it's called. I have these days where I am super hyper and then sometimes I can't leave the house. It makes me sad and yes angry and abusive because I'm drunk. My issue is that I think you lot are also sad cunts. As a group you lack any sort of drive or ethos. You don't really believe in anything you just think that ambling through life and trying to be nice is a philosophy as if that weren't some privilege that you were afforded by the very things that you condemn based on your privileged lifestyles (and by privileged I don't mean rich, I mean you aren't being raped by some headchopper or fired from your job because it turns out someone in the Chinese government heard about your class and found it disagreeable
Racist is such an overused word. I think pretty much everyone western takes racism seriously and being called a rascist is grievous insult. If you are going to call me racist you should at least explain why
I think you are probably referring to the fact that I said 'headchopper' which does not imply any race. You did all of that in your head you utter fucking daft prick. I was imagining some barbaric Frenchman from 1879 barging into my family home in Paris and dragging my family out on some blind prejudice to face Madam Guillotine simply because righteous anger had turned into unthinking terror
What were you imagining? I hope it wasn't a bunch of Arabs in Iraq following a misguided interpretation of Koran, because that would be racist and really not the sort of thinking that we need at a time like this
great rebuttal

May I answer your first point with the fact that yes I will fuck off because I only come on here about once a year and that is not by choice because if I come on here and engage I get kicked off inevitably because I'm perona non grata. This also plays into my hostility. I try to be nice and honest, but it's impossible to be honest on here because there is a groupthink and if you want to be outside of that you have to be a total gent. Which I sadly am not

As to your second point. I'm very open about my general sadness and cuntiness. I suffer from manic depression or whatever it's called. I have these days where I am super hyper and then sometimes I can't leave the house. It makes me sad and yes angry and abusive because I'm drunk. My issue is that I think you lot are also sad cunts. As a group you lack any sort of drive or ethos. You don't really believe in anything you just think that ambling through life and trying to be nice is a philosophy as if that weren't some privilege that you were afforded by the very things that you condemn based on your privileged lifestyles (and by privileged I don't mean rich, I mean you aren't being raped by some headchopper or fired from your job because it turns out someone in the Chinese government heard about your class and found it disagreeable

Trolling internet forums might make you feel slightly better temporarily, but it won't help your mental state in the long run. You should go to bed and think of practical ways to improve your quality of life. For a start, staying up all night trolling online is not good for your health, either physically or mentally, and it makes your life more disorderly and chaotic in practical terms too. You should attempt to regulate your sleeping pattern and get more exercise.

And you aren't looking for a discussion here, you are quite obviously looking to pick a fight, so you can't expect anyone to engage you in genuine discussion.
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