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Search results for query: political compass

  • Before: Nov 9, 2005
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  1. T

    Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

    Id agree that i was authoritarian to a degree,but not right wing. The test is nonsense it suits politicos who fit into narrow ideas of left and right handed down by the telegraph/guardian etc but is meaningless drivel.
  2. I

    Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

    ...but I'd certainly plce you on the right of the political spectrum and an aauthoritarian to boot. Somewhere in the top right of the political compass I'd guess, close to Tony. But you wont do the test will you cos you think it's a "bit shit". ie I guess it reveals aspects of your politics that...
  3. F

    most vitriolic song ever

    Elvis Costello - Tramp The Dirt Down (or Ode to Thatcher). I saw a newspaper picture from the political campaign A woman was kissing a child, who was obviously in pain She spills with compassion, as that young child’s Face in her hands she grips Can you imagine all that greed and avarice...
  4. T

    Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

    Exosulate, like Mr Baldwin, you are creating divisions between me and you that don't exist. I agree with all you have to say in post #655. Of course the rate of scarcity of working-class people varies within capitalism. Of course in the post-war era working class people were comparatively...
  5. E

    Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

    I scored highly as a left libertarian - which is what I am, though the compass is too simplistic to take onboard the subtle nuances of reality politics in my view.
  6. T

    Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

    I did the political compass. Cant remember my score. Thought it was really shit. The problem is a lopt of people fit into the political compass because they have picked their channel, me im a bit of a channel hopper. Libertarian on some issues,Authoritarian (according to that wanky compass) on...
  7. I

    Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

    Serious question for tbaldwin and to a certain extent exosculate: Have you done the Political Compass? What was your score?
  8. M

    moslems in the uk

    Sadly many are unaware that msyticism, meditation and the exploration of compassion etc is a integral part of mainstream Islam. Muslims view sufism as an ideology which is practiced in seperation to the whole. The Islamic philosphy nuetered of its political, social, economic and judicial...
  9. T

    Gordon Browns Economic Miracle?

    Definitions of right wing and left wing etc. Often say more about the prejudice of people throwing out the insults than the people they dismiss as right wing etc. My prejudice in calling Liberal Lefties right wing is based on the fact that many of them ( but by no means all) i have come into...
  10. I

    Gordon Browns Economic Miracle?

    Authoritarian and politicly/economically right wing are different. Correct. Blair is on the right on economic as and he more authoritarian than libertarians - go and have a look at the Politcal Compass. Bookmarked for later, off to the gym now! ;) Please will you stop re-defining...
  11. G

    The Blairite Agenda

    Interesting article on Guardian Website by Neal Lawson of the "centre left" think tank Compass. One could almost be forgiven for thinking he had just read that excellent IWCA theory piece linked early on in this thread. ;) Neal Lawson piece From the point of view of responding to our...
  12. K

    Terrorism: Nothing to do with Muslim fanatacism?

    Interesting take on it - but at least you accept that the differing social and political eras these books were written in has an impact over their messages. On the OT I'd say that it was a mixture of the two, but one that still very much cleaves toward 'desert discipline' more than compassion...
  13. Batboy

    "49 up" on tonight at 9pm

    I have to say I found the programme quite uplifting and intriguing. Neil certainly won me over simply in the way he has managed to overcome what was clearly deep depression and on the cusp of severe mental health issues, he seeemed so much more confident. The posh kids particularly the guy...
  14. R

    The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

    I object to being triviaised like this. Like many on the boards I refused to get drawn into the political discussion until later in the event cycle. But the truth remains that people died, and the thing is I was in the chatter when the event began, and the overwhelming feeling from all here then...
  15. revol68

    The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

    As my ma likes to tell my Da prods don't have hearts just swinging bricks (she's a catholic and he's a prod btw) :D There are some gobshites on Urban who post up retarded knee jerk anti american posts and some have done so in relation to the Hurricane. But i think those with serious politics...
  16. nino_savatte

    The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

    C. Rose has finally shown his true colours after playing footsie for so long. I can't say I'm surprised but allying himself with mears is not one of the brightest of moves.
  17. CyberRose

    The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

    I dont disagree with their politics, I just dont like the way they are applied to some and not others
  18. ViolentPanda

    The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

    I personally think that if you believe what you've said about this amorphous "left" then your analysis has been very shallow indeed. Most people, regardless of their ideological and political alliegances, don't tend to filter their compassion through them, but rather feel compasion and then...
  19. T

    Hizb-ut-Tahrir Speak

    the Union of Jewish Students (UK) has already "prepared the way" whilst holding positions on the NUS National Executive Committee to bring motions to no-platform Hizb-Ut Tahrir (during NUS Conference 2004) and as well as labelling various other Islamic groups such as the Muslim Association of...
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