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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. frogwoman

    Some questions to the "atheists/non-believers"

    well ... that's debatable. :) dont forget that a lot of that stuff was referring to what g-d would do to a sinner, or what the consequence of their actions would be, and not what humans should do to them. basically what goes around comes around. there were plenty of safeguards put in...
  2. audiotech

    Who should i vote for in Hackney?

    The organisation decided to reform itself into a left-leaning political multi-issue grassroots campaign group/think-tank based on the party's Manifesto for New Times. The primary focus for Compass is the Labour Party and the international, European, national, regional and local institutions...
  3. Azrael

    Left versus Right

    Society and family aren't ideologies, and democracy in its purest form is authoritarian. (It did for Socrates quickly enough.) Of course Socialism's a diverse movement and many Socialists are strong libertarians; but the rule of unintended consequence applies; socialism, implemented in any...
  4. G

    Left versus Right

    ...religious traditionalists would call neo-liberals and the libertarian right dangerous, immoral, socially left wing libertines. The political compass is good in that it exposes the ridiculous political shorthand (that seems more common from US rightists) that divides the whole world into two...
  5. M

    Left versus Right

    ...natural, healthy, and a reward or recognition of ability. The four-way axis of left-right, authoritarian-libertarian of the Political Compass website is interesting, for it takes that primary division and deepens it. It does not, however, remove that basic division. What is the case...
  6. F

    Whats Psychology got to say about God

    No, many humans are not responsible for their actions, and won't take responsibility. The latter is easy so long as we are able to blame others (and this is my contention on this thread, that even if don't blame any other human, if we believe in God, then we can at least put things down to him)...
  7. F

    Whats Psychology got to say about God

    I think living in thailand over 15 years of my adult life has, ironically given my previous comments, exposed me to and instilled in me buddhist thinking. I too believe/know that heaven and hell exist here in this life. I also like the buddhist philosophy. But i like what i've read on...
  8. A

    Whats Psychology got to say about God

    Interesting to see such a rude reaction as thanks for my time spent on politely writing and politely repeating what I already wrote in a language I don't master. Here you get even more hostile. I can only guess the reason, but I guess it is correct to assume it is because you don't get what...
  9. inflatable jesus

    Anarcho theories on law

    ...to GrMatthews' last post. The edited part will be marked in a different colour just to make it clear. Hi I've taken the political compass test a few times, it's fairly well known around here. I took it again and I got Economic Left/Right: -7.38, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.54...
  10. camouflage

    US War veterans against the Iraqi War

    I see your logic. But in a way this is like the 'shift to the right' that happens in politics. I refuse to compromise, they can't see Iraqi's as human and can't see the primary tragedy when wars occur is the death of civilians caused by the soldiers of the invader, then fuck'em, they're...
  11. camouflage

    US War veterans against the Iraqi War

    I see your logic. But in a way this is like the 'shift to the right' that happens in politics. I refuse to compromise, they can't see Iraqi's as human and can't see the primary tragedy when wars occur is the death of civilians caused by the soldiers of the invader, then fuck'em, they're...
  12. Z

    Whats Psychology got to say about God

    Well, I do think your views are inconsistent. But the problem is they're not really views, they're doctrine. And I reckon you've swallowed the doctrine whole. Some of it comes from the book conversations with God. Which is a very appealing, feelgood book. But it's worth noting that the...
  13. F

    Johann Hari on Iraq: "I was terribly wrong"

    Futility for who though matthew? Not for the likes of bush and blair. In fact, not only is using force not futile, it is necessary for them to continue their pillage of humanity and human resources. Their need to dominate can only be fueled when there are times of division, conflict, and war...
  14. inflatable jesus

    Anarcho theories on law

    LLantwitt - Cheers dude. I still have my lower-class embarassed-by-compliments thing going, but then I'm also really worried about sounding like a dick when I get into this sort of thing, so it's nice to know somebody thinks I'm not just spewing shite, so cheers. :) GrMatthews - Okay be...
  15. T

    Rumsfield pushing for war on Iran

    No. I am asking what *you* think. I haven't made any claims about what the decision-makers in the Iranian government are thinking nor have I pretended that I share the same ideological or ethical viewpoint as them. I have however asked you to pass judgment on what is or is not a 'good thing'...
  16. ViolentPanda

    Rumsfield pushing for war on Iran

    Surely that depends on the context? I replied in the context of whether such support was a good thing for the ovt of Iran to be giving. If you're the Iranian govt, then covertly supporting a "fifth column" in a neighbouring state when you'll benefit from that state's destabilisation may be a...
  17. M

    More child murders and assassination threats

    "Funded by American Jews in the US, occupied by American Jews who fled there from the US after they got so far on the wrong side of the law that a kindly blind eye couldn't be turned on their activities anymore. Even the state of Israel loathed them because they're a bunch of rabid racist dogs"...
  18. ViolentPanda

    More child murders and assassination threats

    I've told you before not to call me dad. I disowned you, remember? You're making a fundamental mistake there IMHO, in that you're assuming that neither side is doing what they do for a reason. In that part of the world the name of the game is "terror", whether that's state terror or non-state...
  19. Barking_Mad

    Thats it, I give up. I'm never voting again!!!

    I always find it funny that people have a go at folk being 'liberal' or 'fluffies'. Look at the political compass and decide what sort of people you'd rather be aligned with. http://www.politicalcompass.org/ Below the line with the Dalai Lama and Ghandi, or above the line with a bunch of...
  20. F

    Thats it, I give up. I'm never voting again!!!

    Hmmm. Yes, but given time, and the corrosive influence of power, their impact is minimal at best. I think politics is the problem. It is outdated and proved it does not work. Whatever advances are made, there is still rampant injustice, and a violent world. The trouble with politics in the...
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