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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. ska invita

    has there ever been a lamer labour leader than ed miliband?

    In regards to the movements of milliband along the political spectrum, i think doubters should look in themselves and try and summon up the Buddha-like qualities of patience, deep thought, compassion and resolve - let millibandism be your guide and salvation
  2. sihhi

    Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

    love detective, I haven't accused you of suggesting LP was exaggerating about the fact that she experienced rape and death threats in emails. I said we have no grounds for believing that LP's presentation of such emails was/is exaggerated. Some unpacking of LP's talk to the internet...
  3. brogdale

    England local election results thread

    He said these things "accidentally"? Seriously, if he said what is reported he is patently unfit for public office.
  4. E

    England local election results thread

    First, I'm always naturally suspicious of any campaign based on emotion, such as this. I think it's telling that as soon as anyone questions the appropriateness of the reaction, they are immediately subjected to cruel abuse, as I have been on this thread. Yet those same people would like...
  5. T

    England local election results thread

    No, they are not, its gut instinct, compassion, empathy, etc, that means people feel genuinely outraged and physically sick , that in the 21st C, a person can make a comment like that, stop being an apologist for him..
  6. frogwoman

    Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

    cheers mate. i dont have the energy right now. i'm pulling 11/12 hour days at the mo if you coubt travel. get home and can stay up watching crap documentaries and speaking to the bf and it gets to 10/11pm at night and i'm fucked. i really am in a better position than lots of my mates tho...
  7. T

    Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

    Not being personal but if you are referring to an affluent upbringing and its relation to your political activies/inclinations, you really have nothing to worry about, while of course there are concerns about MC domination of the left, I think you would be an asset to any organisation with your...
  8. sihhi

    Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

    The person it quotes from ends up recommending Buddhism: Someone who doesn't use whiteness examines the importance of whiteness (Noel Ignatiev's term): "I’m a woman, I’m white and I’m British. Growing up, my family had enough money for me to have what I needed, and more. I’m cisgender. I...
  9. 8ball

    Green Party's 'unapologetic, socialist broadcast'

    Can you be a long way along the 'green' continuum without being at least a bit authoritarian?
  10. M

    Green Party's 'unapologetic, socialist broadcast'

    It's occurred to me that Green consciousness might form a third dimension of the political compass, along with left vs. right and authoritarianism. It probably correlates positively with left wing political views, but I recall there was a a Canadian political scientist (whose name I forget)...
  11. ViolentPanda

    How low can the Tory's get?

    He copped that line wholesale from Bush II and his wanky "compassionate conservatism" sack of bollocks, and it was about as meaningful. Sham compassion so that the liberal end of Conservatism (what the Evil One used to call "wets") voted Tory, and then once in power, the mask was off.
  12. Frumious B.

    Thatcher is dead

    Fantastic Mark Steel article in the Indy: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/mark-steel-you-cant-just-shut-us-up-now-that-margaret-thatchers-dead-8568785.html
  13. S

    Help me explain to my teenager why Thatcher was bad.

    You're clearly being obtuse. Unpopular politicians have always won free elections by virtue of many factors: poorly organised opposition, propaganda, low voter turnout among key demographics, scare-mongering, political opportunism, superior funding... The list is fucking endless. And clearly...
  14. nino_savatte

    Thatcher is dead

    Check this drivel from Dan Hodges, the born-again Tory. Like his pal at the Torygraph, Brendan O'Neill, Hodges refers himself as being on the Left. But "Miliband Revolutionary"? Is he having a laugh? It's a good thing his comments thread is closed, otherwise I'd give it to him with both barrels.
  15. D

    Thatcher is dead

    time to dust off the playlists lads! I saw a newspaper picture from the political campaign A woman was kissing a child, who was obviously in pain She spills with compassion, as that young childs Face in her hands she grips Can you imagine all that greed and avarice Coming down on that childs...
  16. sihhi

    critique of loon theories around banking/money creation/the federal reserve

    Jazzz is also clued in on American politics beyond 9/11 such as Obama: and John Kennedy "No Blood" at Oswald shooting claims photographer Jazzz also analyses geography: More Conspiracism to erase the difference between fascism and anti-fascism - defending David Icke as not racist...
  17. sihhi

    critique of loon theories around banking/money creation/the federal reserve

    Jazzz isn't against immunisations as single measures which could be improved or refined (something many might agree with) more against the whole concept of vaccination: Jazzz often equates antifascism with fascism: and stating that capitalists no longer care about any threat of Marxism or...
  18. sihhi

    Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

    John Harris is dangerous poison in this article he again urges the destruction of the Beveridge allocation by assessment of need in favour of allocation by contribution: "The undeveloped idea of a more contributory system is probably the only way out of the mess" This is utter lies: "Any kind...
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