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YouTube forcing me to comment using my real name and I don't know how to change it


You remain unbroken, for your fight... is Eternal
Alright, fuck this shit. Why the fuck does my real name appear when I post comments on YouTube now? And how the fuck do I change it back?

In the box where you write the comments, my channel logo appears, but when I submit a comment, my real name and the picture I use for my Google account show up. I did not ask for this change. I do not want this change. Google can go fuck themselves.
You could change the name details in your Gmail settings or if that would be inconvenient just set up a new Google account as Cunty McCuntface.
On the one hand I can see the advantage of not allowing anonymity on YouTube on the other hand it's a bit unfair if you have a relatively rare name.
LOL, just don't comment, internet is forever.

I usually get in touch with content creators that I like privately and supporting them that way.
You can create other YouTube accounts from your original one apparently. Although I haven’t worked out how to do it and to be completely separate use a different browser as their cookies aren’t shared.
LOL, just don't comment, internet is forever.

That's irrelevant. I just want to comment in a pseudonymous fashion, I don't care about whether those comments are archived or not.

I usually get in touch with content creators that I like privately and supporting them that way.

The algorithm doesn't see that though.
Never mind, I worked it out. Apparently there was a switch that got flipped somehow.

I like commenting as a way of interacting with and therefore raising the profile of smaller channels that deserve more attention.

Could you explain how you did it?

I publish videos that I don't want to be connected to my real name
Could you explain how you did it?

I publish videos that I don't want to be connected to my real name

Here is the thing I used, squared in red:


It should give you the option to post in the name of your YouTube channel.
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