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Would it be morally acceptable to eat an alien?

Almost the opposite in that case, though. The Wub is a sensitive intelligent creature of the kind most meat eaters would not want to eat even if it were native to this planet.
In the story, all they care about at first is just eating it cos it is piggy.
I think we would end up classifying aliens as animals rather than vegetables, wouldn't you?

There could be alien vegetables. There might not even be an animal/vegetable distinction in the sense that we have here (though there would likely be a large distinct subset of carbon-fixing/silicon-fixing/whatever-fixing organisms).

Where's a xenobiologist when you need one, dammit! :mad:
Eating has other meanings.
eating pussy
To have oral sex with a woman. Also known as cunnilingus. The eater can be either male or female, but the eatee must be a female, or some other cunted creature.
Actually, an alien would have to be very significantly less intelligent that some animals (ie cow) that I do eat sometimes, before I would even entertain eating them. Not sure why.
even with a broadly and amazingly co-incidental similarity in life form the thing would be so alien you wouldn't have the gut fauna to process its corpse. So You'd if you were lucky shit and puke it out undigested or you would die.
One of the reasons I'm comfortable eating a cow or pig is because I know it is unlikely to be backed up by a possible warship in high orbit.

So for that reason... I'm oot.

It's probably morally wrong to eat anything that's a living sentient creature who is aware of not wanting to being eaten. If you say it's fine for us to eat cows because we're more intelligent than they are, then it's fine for an alien race to eat us if they're more intelligent than we are. and at the end of the day, that's far more likely than us eating an alien race.
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