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Wot?! No Doom (4) Thread?


I ate all your bees
As an old bugger who can remember the thrill of playing Doom in the early 90s and an avid follower of the franchise since I feel the need to post this:

and in the spirit of the Fallout 4 thread go lsdhsdhfpdshspofhdsopihf!

big guns! Fast combat! Silly finishers!


and it has a level editor!


Looks like a move away from the survival horror of Doom 3 and back to the frantic breathless carnage of the original and Doom II.

Seriously, am I the only one excited?
I lost days to Doom 1 & 2! That looks like a real return to form. And I've just got a new gaming rig!!
Doom 3 did rely a bit too much on jack-in-the-box aliens popping out behind you from a panel however much you scouted the corridor :mad:
Doom 3 did rely a bit too much on jack-in-the-box aliens popping out behind you from a panel however much you scouted the corridor :mad:
Definitely! I love that new game footage. Back to blowing the shit out the demon scum!
I was initially enthusiastic but changed my mind. It's Doom 3 with better graphics. In Doom 1 & 2 you could scout out the levels and often figure out how to get the monsters to fight each other. In Doom 4 they just appear to teleport in when you reach certain points. There's no finesse. And the graphics on the hell level just looked muddy and crap: for instance, those cacodemons should be good and red, as should the sky.
I was initially enthusiastic but changed my mind. It's Doom 3 with better graphics. In Doom 1 & 2 you could scout out the levels and often figure out how to get the monsters to fight each other. In Doom 4 they just appear to teleport in when you reach certain points. There's no finesse. And the graphics on the hell level just looked muddy and crap: for instance, those cacodemons should be good and red, as should the sky.
I'm hoping it's footage captured from the beta as some of the indoor shots were an awful lot better. WRT to the baddies not doing much until they notice you it does feel like Doom 1&2 scouting but again I'm hoping we saw it on don't hurt me difficulty level with the AI of demons increasing with Ultraviolence and Nightmare...
I'm hoping we saw it on don't hurt me difficulty level with the AI of demons increasing with Ultraviolence and Nightmare...

It's not just the quality of the demons but the quantity. In the original Doom there were hordes of the things; now it seems to be only a few at a time.
I'm entitled to a free copy of Doom Beta with my Wolfenstein purchase, does this mean I get the finished game as well?
I couldn't play Doom 3, it was literally too dark for me. I kept thinking where's the damn light swtich.
Looks decent, not much like doom though, I mean, where's his face at the bottom of the screen so I know if he's doing okay...?
I used to smoke weed then play the PS2 version all night. There was a level where nothing happened for ages but you could just hear SOMETHING FUCKING MASSIVE crashing around somewhere. I think I still have issues because of that tbh.
'Never was black rendered so well.'
Indeed, the first time a played it I was literally jumping at shadows, the dynamic lighting pushing my old geforce to levels I had never experienced in a game before. I bought the BFG edition for the extra missions/new skin and found the ability to have a torch and a gun really sapped the tension. I'm really looking forward to having a decent gfx upgrade so that I can do Alien Isolation justice for this reason. But I do want a breathless jumping shooting running around blasting the guts out of demons experience as well, hopefully Doom 4 can provide...

More violence, more preposterous weapons and hand to hand finishing moves on old friends in the campaign trailer:

Release date 13th May and if you have more money than sense a true fanatic you can pre-order with a metal case and a 12" Revenant (with spinning fan and LED uplighting no less) to sit on your desk :D

I still play the original Ultimate Doom and Doom II. There's an active modding community as well, producing such gems as Project Brutality, Russian Overkill and Aeons of Death.
I thought the multiplayer was brilliant, the best of everything. You can customise the appearance of everything, with both patterns and colours in multiple areas. The actual gameplay was really well balanced, particularly when you become a demon - if the opposition don't work as a team you can rip through them and really rack up the score; if they're smart you're dead in moments and then they have the rune.

Yeah, fantastic, dumb, fun - exactly what I'd hoped for :D
The original Doom was the only game that scared the fuck out of me.
This new version looks so good, I am considering buying a PS4.
My friends said it gave them nightmares.

I was like; dozy twats. It's just a game.

Then they completed it, lent it to me and it gave me nightmares.

Just like them I played it so much (6 hour sessions) that I started dreaming about it. Including the bits where you'd hear heavy breathing, try and work out where the fuck it was coming from, turn and find a Sargent chewing on your face, jump, yelp, shotgun blast to its face.... and breath.

Well that's what you'd do when awake. Asleep you'd just jump and wake yourself with a 'fuck' I'm dreaming Doom again!
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