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Work for dole pilot areas announced

Paulie Tandoori

shut it you egg!
DWP has announced where they are piloting the Work for Dole schemes that were part of a recent Welfare Reform Act. If you sign on in the following Jobcentre Plus regions, you could be caught by these new pilots:

  • Cambridgeshire and Suffolk;
  • Norfolk;
  • Greater Manchester Central;
  • Greater Manchester East and West.

More here
The changes to benefits are already biting here in Brum. Lots of people with mental health difficulties getting their benefits cut off because they couldn't get to interviews. It's taking 3 months to get benefits restored. :mad:
Surley these types of claimants get the sick benefit and not standard dole.

One of my friends were pushed of the sick and put on the job seekers or what ever the equiv is now and I don't really think he is fit enough yet.
It's an evermore complicated picture. Because of reforms to incapacity benefit, which has now been replaced by something called employment and support allowance with a much tougher test of entitlement, many people who were previously deemed to be incapable of work are now being told that they don't have a limited capacity for work - this means that they have to sign on for JSA every fortnight and undertake work seeking activity. As blagsta notes, this has had particular impacts upon people with mental health conditions - CABx have reported people with terminal illnesses being found as being capable of work.

So the work for your dole rules will almost inevitably hit those people with lower level health problems, who have now been forced to sign on for JSA.
Surley these types of claimants get the sick benefit and not standard dole.

One of my friends were pushed of the sick and put on the job seekers or what ever the equiv is now and I don't really think he is fit enough yet.

What do you mean by "sick benefit"? Income Support has been replaced by Employment Support Allowance. Incapacity Benefit still exists, but is much harder to get.
What do you mean by "sick benefit"? Income Support has been replaced by Employment Support Allowance. Incapacity Benefit still exists, but is much harder to get.

Sorry I'm not really up on the available benefits, my friend had a breakdown and was put on incapacity but recently taken off, and I don't think he is ready, I told him to go back to his doctors to get signd off again but he is suffereing with the pressure of doing the forms etc.
Sorry I'm not really up on the available benefits, my friend had a breakdown and was put on incapacity but recently taken off, and I don't think he is ready, I told him to go back to his doctors to get signd off again but he is suffereing with the pressure of doing the forms etc.

This is the problem, people are getting pressured and it's making them more ill.
You cant have a new claim for incapacity benefit anymore I dont think. Any new claims for sickness benefits are assessed under the ESA rules. There are still people claiming incapacity benefit but all those claims started before the new rules are introduced.

Does anyone know how there pilots will work for incapacity benefit ? Im moving to Manchester soon but may have to reconsider if I would have to do something like this because my health is just not upto it. :(
You cant have a new claim for incapacity benefit anymore I dont think. Any new claims for sickness benefits are assessed under the ESA rules. There are still people claiming incapacity benefit but all those claims started before the new rules are introduced.

Does anyone know how there pilots will work for incapacity benefit ? Im moving to Manchester soon but may have to reconsider if I would have to do something like this because my health is just not upto it. :(
If you follow the link in my o/p, it sets out how the WfD schemes are going to work in practice.
Thanks paulie. :)
No worries. To be considered for a WfD scheme, you need to have already done a full Flexible New Deal programme - so if you were considering moving to Manchester, you might have some breathing space before they tried to rope you into one of these....otoh, with the way things are going, it won't matter where you live soon or what issues may hinder you from working, they're going to expect ever more activity regardless it seems.
Just been reading that link. For anyone that will be forced to do it point 7.15 will be interesting to note.

It states that a religious or conscientious objection will be considered good cause for not being able to attend.

So its possible you could make an ethical arguement. For example if they sent you to work at macdonalds and you claim to be vegatarian. Maybe you could argue that you conscientiously object to the whole thing as it will keep wages artifically low by providing free labour. Not sure
how far you would get though. :D

But if you can produce valid ethical reasons for places they try and send you there is not much they can do. :)
Basically the problem with this is the initial premise (I can't cut and paste from the link) that says the idea is to see if it "helps long term unemployed back into work". What work? The job centres cannot help anyone into work when there is none available!
It's like some parallel universe!

And, obv, forcing sick people not just into claiming the wrong benefit but "work" in order to get it -- or like Blagsta said, simply being cut off when they can't do it. :(
Basically the problem with this is the initial premise (I can't cut and paste from the link) that says the idea is to see if it "helps long term unemployed back into work". What work? The job centres cannot help anyone into work when there is none available!
It's like some parallel universe!

And, obv, forcing sick people not just into claiming the wrong benefit but "work" in order to get it -- or like Blagsta said, simply being cut off when they can't do it. :(
The logic within DWP is that if 'a jobseeker' has signed on for a year with JCP and not got a job, and then done a year on Flexible New Deal with a private contractor and still not got a job, then they're clearly not really trying hard enough, so they need to force these people to work for their £60 a week, and they'll then realise how simple and straightforward it is to have a job and so they'll sign off and get a real 'job'. Easy.....
I know - that is why it is ridiculous. Don't the words "recession" mean anything to these idiots???

I think a lot of people who may have been sympathetic to all this shit before are starting to wise up as they lose their jobs and finding they've been lied to about how "easy" it is to claim benefits in this country. Once they get made to work for the pittance on top everything else it might actually start biting these bastards that thought giving the poor a kicking was such a jolly good hoot.

Or maybe not :(
In the pilot areas, those completing FND without having entered sustained
employment (i.e. of 26 weeks or more) will be allocated to one of the following
groups. This allocation will be random and will be applied before people start on
FND. This is to test whether advance notification of future activity influences
behaviour during FND.
those who are referred early to the programme having been identified by a
Jobcentre Plus adviser
as having little or no recent work experience, who have
claimed Jobseeker's Allowance for between 6 and 12 months, and whom the
adviser considers will benefit from the programme. Early referrals will be
mandatory in nature,
and will account for approximately 5% of overall referrals.
Lone parents will be excluded from early referrals in order to maintain our
overall approach to lone parents on JSA, which emphasises flexible,
personalised support over time.

just reading this,
Commenting on the fact that private companies rather than Jobcentres will be running the WfYB programme, she added, “Whoever runs this scheme it will be a disaster, but private companies can set arbitrary targets and are much less accountable.”
worries me
Its very worrying. The New Deal is already a nightmare for a lot of people. They are effectivly day prisons that coerce and threaten people into finding jobs. Company like A4e provide no help to anyone, they were good companies providing decent support for people that wanted to get back into work but A4e came and just put the lowest bids in on tender. All they do is put people in rooms all day under the guise of jobsearch.
And threaten you with what is essentialy an act of violence unless you comply. Its really pretty disturbing. :(

Those places are horrible, at one I went to there was always a vague air of intimidation. Fights broke out a lot and a lot of the lads were bullied and had the piss taken out of them by other lads on the course. How that is good for anyone I dont know.
I fail to see how any of this creates a single extra job.... :confused:
It doesn't - independent research suggests that WfD schemes can be very expensive to administer, they can actually inhibit people from actively looking for work, and are a very blunt-edged approach to a very multi-faceted problem.
Cheers for this Paulie.

Will circulate at work tomorrow. Work with loads of young uns in those areas of Manchester.
You cant have a new claim for incapacity benefit anymore I dont think. Any new claims for sickness benefits are assessed under the ESA rules. There are still people claiming incapacity benefit but all those claims started before the new rules are introduced.

Does anyone know how there pilots will work for incapacity benefit ? Im moving to Manchester soon but may have to reconsider if I would have to do something like this because my health is just not upto it. :(
Would you be able to transfer your existing incapacity benefit claim? Or would they say that moving to a new area means that you have to close your old claim and submit a new claim for ESA?

Tbh, even if it were possible to make a transfer, given my experience of fuck ups, I wouldn't put it past them to accidentally fuck up and close your incapacity benefit claim, and then for them to say Oops! Sorry about that. But now we've closed your claim, we can't re-open it, and now you have to make a new claim for ESA. I wouldn't trust them.
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