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Women's rights under attack in.... Poland, Ireland, where else?

Oh for a pedicure! If I could teach the dog to chew toenails I'd think I was winning.

So you up for finally standing up to this bunch and saying enough is enough? They are rolling back the rights of cervix havers, mensturators, pregnant people and birthing parents...

I am a woman.
I am no longer a "menstruator".
I have no children.
I still have a cervix.
I am still a woman....not a half woman

Why are you using body parts and functions to justify your womanhood?
Thanks, was having trouble. Not sure what it is in that letter which has got the GenderCritters all worried. They're asking media et al not to give a platform to transphobes. Apparently this is bad?
I think you would find a modicum of disagreement about what constitutes transphobia, and what constitutes acceptable debate about various rights. See also: antisemitism/legitimate criticism of Israel.
Thanks, was having trouble. Not sure what it is in that letter which has got the GenderCritters all worried. They're asking media et al not to give a platform to transphobes. Apparently this is bad?
It's inconsistent with what many assume to be Amnesty International's core function, the protection of civil liberties including freedom of speech. It's not, however, asking for a new Section 31 to be brought in.

I'll say this also, though, the person claiming to be a transwoman who is currently in Limerick jail is not a woman, trans or otherwise, he is a dangerous male sex offender, who should not be housed in a women's prison.

I also spit on the likes of "gript", by the way, and I don't see an inconsistency there.
It's inconsistent with what many assume to be Amnesty International's core function, the protection of civil liberties including freedom of speech. It's not, however, asking for a new Section 31 to be brought in.

I'll say this also, though, the person claiming to be a transwoman who is currently in Limerick jail is not a woman, trans or otherwise, he is a dangerous male sex offender, who should not be housed in a women's prison.

I also spit on the likes of "gript", by the way, and I don't see an inconsistency there.
The letter seems to be pointing out the fact that such ‘gender critical’ feminists are such a tiny minority in Ireland and have no support amongst existing women’s rights and lgb groups, and should be treated in the same way COVID or climate change deniers should be. Providing those people with a megaphone leads to physical and mental harm for others. So it seems perfectly in keeping with amnesty’s aims.
It's inconsistent with what many assume to be Amnesty International's core function, the protection of civil liberties including freedom of speech. It's not, however, asking for a new Section 31 to be brought in.

I'll say this also, though, the person claiming to be a transwoman who is currently in Limerick jail is not a woman, trans or otherwise, he is a dangerous male sex offender, who should not be housed in a women's prison.

I also spit on the likes of "gript", by the way, and I don't see an inconsistency there.

I apologise in advance for this, and will happily delete.

Thanks for the clarification there - I've been reading "gender critical" stuff for the past few months and finding myself feeling like I'm being sucked into a whirlpool and losing perspective on EVERYTHING re risk/safeguarding loopholes and the like, in addition to a bad experience a couple of years ago, when I thought trans and womens rights had no conflict anywhere, that I've not really got over.

I've not been able to access urban til last week, and have really missed this place for discussion and sorting out misunderstanding and fear mongering that I've been buying into, as well as the bits that I do think are sensible in some contexts (as in the limerick prisoner, and how language is being?politicised? ?policed? ?redefined? by extreme tra and terf activists - not the same thing as trans people and women per se). I also wonder if I've been speaking to "bad actors" in terms of conversations with polarised and extremely disconcerting women and trans women.

It went a bit like this


I like freedom of speech, I don't like realising that means I ought to be giving count dankula, posie parker (she gives me shudders a bit), kiwi farms (looked once, never again), glinner and the like a fiver for their collection or crowdfunding....
I think I need deprogramming
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Thank you for the warning.

I will steer very clear. And I hope I'm not expressing hate trying to pick apart where my head is and that. This threads been really useful for my getting a more balanced view on the amnesty stuff and women than the one presented in the OP.

I do expect to be called a bigot, I don't want or intend to harm anyone. I know that's tempting fate ..
Thank you for the warning.

I will steer very clear. And I hope I'm not expressing hate trying to pick apart where my head is and that. This threads been really useful for my getting a more balanced view on the amnesty stuff and women than the one presented in the OP.

I do expect to be called a bigot, I don't want or intend to harm anyone. I know that's what they all say ..
I’m sure you won’t :)
I agree, it all makes my brain itch as it's become so polarised, vicious and dramatic online. I'd say honestly, hand on heart I can listen to and understand both arguments and there has to be a middle way through this mess, surely. But I think the vitriol from both extremes is frightening and I don't want to debate it with anyone online. The other week I removed an anti-trans rant from a FB group that I moderate. But because I've met the person who posted it and I know they are struggling, I messaged a friend of theirs to check if they were ok. And found out that their friend (who doesn't have the same beliefs at all) was attacked, not only in person but online, because of this, because of trying to be kind and talk to them. And apparently I'm now also on a shitlist. :rolleyes: And that then was several hours lost one evening blocking not only their social media Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, but also blocking their friends accounts. I've been doxed online before by toxic boomer men (similar adminning bollocks) and you can't be too careful tbh. Last time it was so bad there had to be police involvement. Seeing this is a feminism thread I just can't see any benefit in any of this bullshit for any of us. tbh.
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