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Women's rights under attack in.... Poland, Ireland, where else?


Well-Known Member
Hey! Long time no see. I really really hope you're all doing OK and you and your families have been ok? Sending love and sympathy to those with family members who have suffered physically and from the loss of loved ones.

We are in unprecendented times... or you could say, we are back to the status quo. Who thought women would have rights for over a hundred years? I've searched for threads, but cannot see any concerned with the planned abortion ban in Poland or the demand for women and lgb people to lose the right of political representation in Ireland. Have I missed something or is it too scary to say it here on these progressive boards?
Amnesty Ireland and the Women's Council of Ireland signing a letter that said if anyone does not agree with trans ideology they should be banned from political and media representation. As I hope the grown ups in this forum would agree, no one hates trans people, but the rights of TW butt up against the rights of women and kids (mostly girls) are being fast tracked (via private clinics not GIDS) into irreversible treatments.

That isn't hatred, that's concern and we have two supposed humanitarian groups saying anyone asking for a conversation should be silenced
I'd be surprised if you found a single person on here who isn't appalled by what has happened in Poland.

Not helpful or sensible to associate that with transgender issues.
You are not a woman. We are fighting for our rights on many fronts. The more we give over in one place, the more they are taken elsewhere.

And I think you're wrong. I don't think many of the men do anything but pay lipservice to what is happening in Poland, because if they did, then they'd have to ask bigger questions and heaven forfend, answer them. Women's rights are women's rights. Not the rights of anyone who identifies as a woman. You get me?
So scary you just said it? Or maybe you think we're all at home resting, lunching with with fresh pedicures, scratching ours clits and simply loving this year and living our best lives.
Oh for a pedicure! If I could teach the dog to chew toenails I'd think I was winning.

So you up for finally standing up to this bunch and saying enough is enough? They are rolling back the rights of cervix havers, mensturators, pregnant people and birthing parents...
Well, do the decent & proper thing, and provide a fucking link.
A scary fact I learned during lockdown - no more than hearsay sorry - is that there are no longer lesbians or very few in University clubs. They are now trans or NB.
Being complicit in the erasure of gay women is not something I am willing to be part of. In fact it might be a hill I'd be prepared to die on. You? And if yes, then why aren't you looking into this and if no, well, meh
You are not a woman. We are fighting for our rights on many fronts. The more we give over in one place, the more they are taken elsewhere.

And I think you're wrong. I don't think many of the men do anything but pay lipservice to what is happening in Poland, because if they did, then they'd have to ask bigger questions and heaven forfend, answer them. Women's rights are women's rights. Not the rights of anyone who identifies as a woman. You get me?
Oh get out you nasty woman
I am always and finally up for standing up to a condescending shit stirrer and telling them to fuck the fuck off, yes JudithB The actual state of this 'oh hi, remember me, just wondering if...' thread.
Stand up or shut up. Gay kids are being sterilised - thousands of them
wow, the only place you could find with a vaguely favourable write up was Gript. The right-wing, anti-abortion, site, a piece written by the Director of the Edmund Burke Institute. Good allies you got there.

Almost as if, with the Irish section of the feminist bigot section being miniscule (probably due to the vociferous support given to more traditional feminist campaigns in Ireland by trans men and women), you have to desperately try to drum up support from the UK.
Stand up or shut up. Gay kids are being sterilised - thousands of them

Get to fuck, you attention seeking pimp of serious/complex issues to rock up here and glibby tell everyone else how inadequate they are. I gave you the benefit of the doubt last time, more fool me.
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I'm having trouble finding the open letter mentioned in this article. There's no link provided, and when I look at amnesty.ie, it doesn't seem to be on their front page or in their News section. Google is also proving to be unhelpful. Do you have any links?
You are not a woman. We are fighting for our rights on many fronts. The more we give over in one place, the more they are taken elsewhere.

And I think you're wrong. I don't think many of the men do anything but pay lipservice to what is happening in Poland, because if they did, then they'd have to ask bigger questions and heaven forfend, answer them. Women's rights are women's rights. Not the rights of anyone who identifies as a woman. You get me?
You didn't start this thread to talk about women's rights in Poland, though, did you? You started it to talk about trans rights in Ireland.

It's not as subtle an approach as you think it is. Hence the responses.
Hey! Long time no see. I really really hope you're all doing OK and you and your families have been ok? Sending love and sympathy to those with family members who have suffered physically and from the loss of loved ones.

We are in unprecendented times... or you could say, we are back to the status quo. Who thought women would have rights for over a hundred years? I've searched for threads, but cannot see any concerned with the planned abortion ban in Poland or the demand for women and lgb people to lose the right of political representation in Ireland. Have I missed something or is it too scary to say it here on these progressive boards?

But you don't give a flying fuck about Uyghurs
By the way, if anyone does find that open letter (strange that such a document would be so hard to find!), please share the link. I'd like to hear it from the horse's mouth.
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