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Windows 10 "Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)"


I hummus, therefore I am ...
Booted up my PC and the only USB devices that now work are generic keyboard and mouse ...
everything else produces that message ...
May be a coincidence, but work computer didn't boot up properly this morning - it recognised keyboard, but not mouse or something else.

Unplugging and re-plugging things may be worth a try (my webcam in particular tends to get 'not recognised' if i so much as touch the wire to the USB port)

But yes, rebooting (as in 'restart' rather than shut down and turning on again - apparently with W10 onwards, turning it off and on again doesn't do as much as the 'restart' option) is best first option.
damn damn damn
it recognises a USB soundcard but gives a driver error
Even a MS webcam doesn't work
same with TP-link BT dongle, mobiles...

It was fine.
I shut down to go to the shops
came back and the USB hub seemed dead,
Rebooted unplugged, re-plugged all the usual.
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I'm guessing KB and mouse use some minimal legacy hardware aspect of the USB hardware ...
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short of trying to install a new USB card on the PCI bus I may have to buy a recon PC
I didn't want to buy another until I move...


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According to reviews, it seems to be a nightmare to get these cheap USB cards to work on W10 ...
A good job I had another look. The only slots I have available are PCI, not PCIE ...
I may have to go straight for a replacement PC - I would then at least have a spare PC ...
We were binning these at work maybe 5 years ago but it's better than what I have...
I suppose it was time for me to make my hard drives portable ...

View attachment 419117

Just spend a little more. I'm pretty sure for £140 you can get something 8th gen which is Win 11 compatible.

That's an awful price for such old hardware.
not whether they're usb 3.0 rather than 2.0 (or vice versa)

eta no presumably not if they worked before
Here you go. Cheaper and better. We've loads of these at work.

9th Gen!

Loads on ebay anyway


16GB which is probably what you should aim for anything in 2024

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not whether they're usb 3.0 rather than 2.0 (or vice versa)

eta no presumably not if they worked before
MY MOBO is 12 years old - the fastest of them might be USB2.

Of course it dawned on me later that there would have to be BIOS legacy support for the KB at least because you need to have access to it without the OS being loaded - as with the display...
it always surprises me that usb wireless sockets work at the most basic level when the machine boots even before you've got an operating system running. As you say, they have to for loading the OS.
Probably in the future I may want a mini PC or two, but I have several hard drives of data I may want to access more readily than as a network drive... though I suppose I will buy a caddy or two ...
Amazon have a refurb "shop" with some decent-looking Dell desktops for about £140 and I would at least want to have a data drive so I can keep the boot drive clean in case I give it away when I move, but there are mixed reviews - it appears they subcontract to various outfits...

Just to wind me up even more, my router just rebooted several times and I initially feared it was the NW adaptor failing ... and of course I couldn't just plug in my WIFI dongle and tether off my phone ...
Probably in the future I may want a mini PC or two, but I have several hard drives of data I may want to access more readily than as a network drive... though I suppose I will buy a caddy or two ...
Amazon have a refurb "shop" with some decent-looking Dell desktops for about £140 and I would at least want to have a data drive so I can keep the boot drive clean in case I give it away when I move, but there are mixed reviews - it appears they subcontract to various outfits...

Just to wind me up even more, my router just rebooted several times and I initially feared it was the NW adaptor failing ... and of course I couldn't just plug in my WIFI dongle and tether off my phone ...

I out the small ones as they're normally more desirable. Fwiw they normally have space for two drives, a NVMe and a conventional 2.5" SSD. You should be able to get a similar ex corporate machine in a bigger form factor for the same money.

That said if you don't have a NAS I can see why you might want spinning rust. How much data do you have?
I out the small ones as they're normally more desirable. Fwiw they normally have space for two drives, a NVMe and a conventional 2.5" SSD. You should be able to get a similar ex corporate machine in a bigger form factor for the same money.

That said if you don't have a NAS I can see why you might want spinning rust. How much data do you have?
6 terrabytes or so...
To be honest it's mostly archeology for the distant future...
Arse. I found a really good rep seller with a very cheap HP and ordered it without checking and it only had one DP plus SVGA.

Thankfully I cancelled it and he accepted...

I'm panicking now ...
I fired up the PC after it had been unplugged for 4 hours and the USB is back in full working order...
The clock was wrong as it has been several times recently ...
EDIT:- and I see that Bing has now put weather on the login screen... :hmm:

I'll treat this as a warning and sort something out anyway as this PC actually died on me a while back and I almost bought a fancy laptop ..... in future I never want to be without more than one PC and more than one bicycle and with my data in separate secure places ...
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Well you can replace hardware, but data is much trickier, if not impossible. You can get 6 to 8 TB ex-enterprise hard drives for quite sensible money if you wanted your backup all in one place.
Busted again this morning and the weather has disappeared from the login screen and one of the updates affects that ...

Our IT department used to filter updates, but my gut always told me that faults were related to the downloading ...

wish me luck....

I installed the updates and it restarted with the weather back on the login screen, but no USB
So I shut down at the mains, took the recycling out and rebooted. (are the USBs minimally maintained by a separate 5 volt supply to provide "wake on KB" etc ?)
The weather on the login screen was gone and the USBs are back..

I can't find any reference anywhere to USB issues ... I suppose my 12 year old MOBO (ASUS supported only up to W7) might be the issue here in terms of not integrating well with the OS... it's been ALL my USB devices except for mouse and KB - including an MS webcam that is natively supported ...
EDIT:- weirdly my webcam has stopped over-exposing !

I'm not up for reflashing my BIOS and I'm not geared up for reinstalling the OS - something I absolutely need to be able to do in the future...

I'm hoping it was just a previously aborted set of updates...
Time will tell...
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Back from my cycle ride and they've gone again.
One benefit is it keeps me off PalTalk - which is a vile place - but that's the one place where I get to use my voice except when recording existential monologues into my phone...

I feel sort of lost being connected to the whole world but without being able to speak to them...
Boot off a DVD with a live Linux distro and see if the USB works. That will tell you if it's the hardware or not.

I'd say most people don't have a Dvd these days, but I suspect gentlegreen does.

I do...
When I was working we used to run it from USB to do antivirus work ... since mouse and KB work, I suspect I could boot off USB...

It's the randomness that annoys me.

Last night and when I went up the shops earlier I shut the PC completely down using the switch on the PSU and the USBs were fine ... other times that hasn't worked.
I know you said your not geared up for a reinstall, but a USB stick is very cheap. And if you can't wipe the machine right now then there's an issue with your backups.

Funnily enough having USB mic issues on my partners PC last night. I did some troubleshooting but I could tell it was going to be one of those ghost problems, so I nuked it. Took me just over an hour, including downloading the latest build of Win 10 and making the stick, the install as well as office etc. She's got all her files in Google Drive so it was painless.
My whole life is precarious I'm afraid and will remain so for several years...

When I ripped my CDs to FLAC last year I at least made sure I copied them onto 3 separate WD hard drives and when I come to move I will distribute those amongst trusted family members...

My terrabytes of "data" are mostly another aspect of my hoarding ...
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