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Wiggins in hospital after crash with van

Broken collar bone last year, broken ribs this year. Doesn't have much luck, does he? Well, apart from winning the Tour :D
Wishing him well.... last Sat Guardian has him saying he might change sport before the next Olympics.... perhaps one that doesn't involve dangerous night time training on dual carrriageways populated by white vans....
(Edit....BBC now saying a white Astra car and dsmaged not broken ribs. ...get well soon wiggo..)
The weekend Guardian interview was the first I really knew about him. Seems like a goodun. Broken ribs is painful and slow to heal, but not a life threat. Uncomfortable for him, but it isn't like he has to worry about income for himself and family these days. He's probably very embarrassed that this is making news.
Cycling on pavements?

Was a light hearted reference to Wiggins insisting in an interview that it was a myth that he ever raced against Lance at the TdF; Have edited my post so it looks less like an accusation against Wiggins' law-abidingness
Was a light hearted reference to Wiggins insisting in an interview that it was a myth that he ever raced against Lance at the TdF; Have edited my post so it looks less like an accusation against Wiggins' law-abidingness
wtf? :confused: Even I can remember that clearly! There was one stage where he carried Armstrong up a mountain!
It might not be a popular view, but I'm ambivalent at best towards road cyclists training on public highways. It doesn't seem a great idea to me for public roads to be used essentially as race tracks. Of course there will be accidents (and of course the driver will often be in the wrong, but that knowledge hardly helps the injured party), and it seems to me that all road users should be driving/riding defensively, not pushing themselves as hard and fast as they can go.

The country roads were I live are seen as a mecca for road cyclists -- they held the Olympics there, for a start. That's great, I hope they enjoy themselves. But they seem to lose all road sense when they're in that racing zone. They stop on blind bends, they ride downhill in large pelotons where there will be no room for a vehicle to pass if they come round a corner, and their own brakes are really not up to the job of stopping them dead from 40mph. There are a lot of accidents. I'm not sure what the answer is, but in recent years it has definitely turned from being an occassional irritation to something downright dangerous.
That sucks. He's one of the few professional sportsmen i have respect for as a human being.

hope it doesn't fuck up his season.
It might not be a popular view, but I'm ambivalent at best towards road cyclists training on public highways. .
Aren't you jumping to conclusions ?
And is he less entitled to use the road at 6pm than a fit cyclist doing 20-30MPH on the way home from work ?
I'm no athlete, but I ride as hard as I can on the way home - and you're better off riding fast on a fast road.
Or should we all pootle along like the district nurse on her single speed so that drivers can pull out at will ?
it seems to me that all road users should be driving/riding defensively, not pushing themselves as hard and fast as they can go.

Agree with this 100%, actually.

If you are a responsible road user you must be aware of, and considerate of, other road users irrespective of what you are driving/riding.

I am not saying Wiggins wasn't being aware/considerate, simply making a general point.
Still, nice to think that, TdF and Olympic medals are great n all, but would still fancy my chances against him breaking from the Team Hi Viz pelaton at 7:48am along the Embankment on a morn.

Get well soon though BW!
It might not be a popular view, but I'm ambivalent at best towards road cyclists training on public highways. It doesn't seem a great idea to me for public roads to be used essentially as race tracks. Of course there will be accidents (and of course the driver will often be in the wrong, but that knowledge hardly helps the injured party), and it seems to me that all road users should be driving/riding defensively, not pushing themselves as hard and fast as they can go.

The country roads were I live are seen as a mecca for road cyclists -- they held the Olympics there, for a start. That's great, I hope they enjoy themselves. But they seem to lose all road sense when they're in that racing zone. They stop on blind bends, they ride downhill in large pelotons where there will be no room for a vehicle to pass if they come round a corner, and their own brakes are really not up to the job of stopping them dead from 40mph. There are a lot of accidents. I'm not sure what the answer is, but in recent years it has definitely turned from being an occassional irritation to something downright dangerous.

Obligatory "Still a fair bit to do to catch up before they catch up with the level of danger cars and their shitty drivers bring to the road though" post
Aren't you jumping to conclusions ?
And is he less entitled to use the road at 6pm than a fit cyclist doing 20-30MPH on the way home from work ?
I'm no athlete, but I ride as hard as I can on the way home - and you're better off riding fast on a fast road.
Or should we all pootle along like the district nurse on her single speed so that drivers can pull out at will ?
Not jumping to conclusions, I have no idea what the circumstances are in this case.

I can only comment on what I see, which is an increasing trend towards recreational cyclists pushing themselves as hard as they can around roads that are dangerous even for cars, which can stop much more easily, at those speeds.

Riding "as hard as you can" means you have nothing in reserve. It also means you are partially concentrating on the effort of it rather than focussing on the dangers around you. It doesn't strike me as a particularly defensive way to ride.
Obligatory "Still a fair bit to do to catch up before they catch up with the level of danger cars and their shitty drivers bring to the road though" post
There's terrible and dangerous driving all around as well, of course. No arguments there.
amazing how a thread about a cyclist being hit by a vehicle which failed to give way on joining the carriageway from a petrol station can get to 'yes well they all ride dangerously these cyclists' on the first page.
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