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Why don't (some) ships capsize?

f for fake said:
i thought zebrugge sank because they left the bow doors open, allowing water to enter, making it role more violently and that eventualy caused it to capsize.

Yes, which would have been prevented/significantly slowed by sponsons & which kicked the whole issue into touch for maritime authorities.

The TT ferries had all also suffered from modifications to raise the superstructure/capacity as well, thus creating some of the ugliest & most unstable vessels afloat.
1927 said:
Wasn't she scrapped?

Pretty sure she was sold to India, they bent it in delivery... Next time I speak to my old man I'll let you know. That could be some time though :D
Load of Mazdas, going into the drink.

longdog said:
I was looking at this picture and wondering how the fuck the thing manages to stay upright?


It must be 90% above water, pointy at the bottom and very top heavy.

Why doesn't it fall over?

What's that big splash going on a hundred yards behind it? Did one of the planes miss?
Load of Mazdas, going into the drink

That one didn't actually capsize tho. It stayed on a near 90 degree list for about a month, until they managed to right it. Ballast, innit.
Kanda said:
Pretty sure she was sold to India, they bent it in delivery... Next time I speak to my old man I'll let you know. That could be some time though :D

Pretty certain the Ark Royal was sold for scrap, not reuse.

However, you may be thinking of the Hermes, which was sold to India to become their flagship & spent a couple of years out of comission after a refit accident flooded the engine rooms.

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