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Who's got the BT Digital Voice/broadband upgrade and free handset?


So last night my BT broadband upgraded to Digital Voice services and I got a free cordless phone in the post today. Which is nice although if the call spam levels are the same as the last time I had a BT phone plugged in, I'll be disconnecting it sharpish.

What's different is that the phone connects from the router and not a phone socket/ Shame there seems no way to link the phone to my mobile as it seems almost Neolithic to have to manually fill in an address book on a phone - and the handset is quite a chunky beast. Still, at least it's free.

What are the advantages over using a mobile?

I imagine guaranteed reception might be one, if that is an issue. A second number? Cheaper/Free calls?
What are the advantages over using a mobile?

I imagine guaranteed reception might be one, if that is an issue. A second number? Cheaper/Free calls?
Well it's not a mobile it's a home phone! But two people can make call son the same line and it claims that it's easier to block spam calls - we'll see about that.
Well it's not a mobile it's a home phone! But two people can make call son the same line and it claims that it's easier to block spam calls - we'll see about that.

So you can have two handsets, and two people can use them at the same time independently, from the same number?

I haven't had a landline for years. I wonder if I'd get much use out of one, but then I get unlimited calls on my mobile contract so I've never much seen the point. But I could imagine certain scenarios where having a second handset to save the battery of a mobile might be handy, or provide better reception if needed.

They're also nicer in the hand than a weighty smartphone.
I've had a few communications about this happening sometime in the next year or three, but my area is going on to this next week


do you need a new handset for this, or can you just plug an existing one in to the socket on the back of your modem?

i'm concerned about mum-tat coping with this - she hasn't gone on to fibre yet, and not sure how (or if) it works if you haven't...
I've had a few communications about this happening sometime in the next year or three, but my area is going on to this next week


do you need a new handset for this, or can you just plug an existing one in to the socket on the back of your modem?

i'm concerned about mum-tat coping with this - she hasn't gone on to fibre yet, and not sure how (or if) it works if you haven't...
They'll give you a free cordless handset if you want one or you can get a free adaptor that lets you use your old handset.
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