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Who was worst Hitler or Churchill (as an artist).

Winston or Adolf

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EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
Both liked messing about with an easel

So Churchill

Or Hitler

In my opinion both were obviously capable amateurs. There is nothing to make either stand out as better than the other.
In my opinion both were obviously capable amateurs. There is nothing to make either stand out as better than the other.
You reckon? Going by the pics in the OP I'd put Adolf way ahead. Loads more detail and perhaps a very low professional standard. I reckon I could knock up something of about the same quality as the Churchill offering.
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You reckon? Going by the pics in the OP I'd put Adolf way ahead. Loads more detail and perhaps a low professional standard. I reckon I could knock up something of about the same quality as the Churchill offering.

Me too, regarding the Churchill sample.
Hitler’s looks more technical than artistic. As a illustration of his eye for detail he obviously had the better technique, though he probably was a bit more intense mentally.
Churchill's one is better IMO. Easier to replicate technical/architectural detail than to convey warmth.
There was a painting of Churchills on fack or fortune I thought his art
was rather good.
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They are both better than anything i could do. I prefer Churchill's style/mood although the house jars and ruins it for me. Hitlers is technically proficient but dreary and not in a good way. The bottom third ruins it for me.
I like the Churchill ones. They're looser and more imaginative in their use of colour than I would have expected and there's some gusto there.

Hitler's are a bit A level and there's something unpleasantly not quite right about them, like he draws all the lines straight and whole from beginning to end.
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