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Welsh Tithe Maps

Brilliant. Not exactly sure what I'm looking at (I'll work it out) but my house is on there. My house is early 19th century. (A very old but very small cottage).

It shows how the fields were divided. And they haven't changed much. Map is from 1841.

It shows 7 houses in my village. There are now about 20.
Brilliant. Not exactly sure what I'm looking at (I'll work it out) but my house is on there. My house is early 19th century. (A very old but very small cottage).

It shows how the fields were divided. And they haven't changed much. Map is from 1841.

It shows 7 houses in my village. There are now about 20.

The house I grew up in didn't exist back then, but the fields where it was built were owned by Bamber Gascoigne's great-great-great-great grandad Isaac Gascoyne (who appears to have been the archetype of all 19th century Tory MPs).
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