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Weightlifting advice


Another day on that hamster wheel we call life
Is it best if you're looking to build some arm muscle to:

a, Use the maximum weights you're able to lift, ones where you're only able to do about five reps in a set with them


b, Use the second heaviest weights you can lift when you're able to do 15 reps in a set?
I found doing the heaviest I could lift/press minus 10%, as many reps to fail worked for me. I'd adjust up every week.

I'd do a session of upper body, next day lower body, always a session on abs, along with aerobic exercises. I made sure that I had one full day off. I'd do crunches on upper body days, back on lower body days.

day 1 upper, abs, aerobic. Next day, lower body, back, aerobic. Then repeat for a total of 6 days, day off. Always high protein drinks and diet. I was seldom in the gym for more than 90 minutes a day.

In very little time I was noticeably bigger and was able to do more reps.

It's generally accepted that 8 to 12 reps is optimal for hypertrophy. Don't just focus on your arms though, focus on compound lifts. Squats, deadlifts, bench, shoulder press and pull ups. That will increase your overall muscle mass, including your arms.

Don't forget good diet, with extra protein and don't forget the importance of recovery time! Sleep is when you actually make your gains!
Both are good. Do some days of high volume lower weight and some days of high weight fewer reps.
And definitely the big four - squat, bench press, overhead press, deadlift.
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