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[Wed 10th Dec 2014] Radical History Network: Activism and the under-fives (London)

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
As soon as the women's movement started, so did campaigns for more and better childcare...

The next meeting of the Radical History Network of NE London group will focus on how pressure was put on institutions and local authorities to provide cheap, good quality provision.

There is also an important story to be told about how alternative provision was set up outside the mainstream, while sometimes the two approaches overlapped.

Come along and share your experiences, and discuss how this connects with campaigns today.

Speakers will include:
Gail Chester – The struggle for council and community nurseries in Hackney from the 1970s onwards
Ivor Kallin – When Islington nursery workers shared a platform with the miners
+ other contributors from campaigns in higher education and community settings

Plus discussion and exchange of news & views.

Free to attend, all interested people welcome.

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