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Recommendation Webhosting recommendations?


je suis teuchter
Anyone got any companies to recommend or avoid?

I have:
  • a relatively simple wordpress website (no ecommerce or anything like that)
  • 3 email addresses

Currently with tsohost. Never had any problem with them, but I need to upgrade my plan with them, this means moving off some kind of legacy setup which apparently would make it my job to move my email accounts across to the new server. Given that that will be a palaver anyway, it's time to check out what the competition is.

I feel like I'd rather my hosting company was based in the UK than the states. Is that rational?

Also... is there an argument for having email and website hosted separately?
I use this UK based lot, and have for many years, ended-up meeting the owner a couple of years ago, as he lives local & he's a nice guy, never had any problems with them.

I have domain, email and website all with different companies. Then I can simply switch provider whenever, and just point the domain at the new place when I feel like it. I have email separately because a dedicated provider such as fastmail.com which I use offers a much more comprehensive and reliable service.
I look after a website that's with these people

as it's for a registered charity, we get free hosting under their scheme for charities, don't know what their plans are like compared to others as regards cost.

can't recall any difficulties with them.
I use this UK based lot, and have for many years, ended-up meeting the owner a couple of years ago, as he lives local & he's a nice guy, never had any problems with them.

I look after a website that's with these people

as it's for a registered charity, we get free hosting under their scheme for charities, don't know what their plans are like compared to others as regards cost.

can't recall any difficulties with them.

Thanks, I will check these out.
fastmail.com which I use offers a much more comprehensive and reliable service.
In what way does this manifest itself?

I mean ... to me email doesn't have to do much except just work - how much difference does the hosting provider really make?
I was looking at these based on an old thread asking the same question, but couldn't get payment to go through on my UK based card. I have a Starling card too, but never got round to trying it. Need to pick it back up, as just want a few static pages and don't want to pay through the nose for something simple.

I look after a website that's with these people

as it's for a registered charity, we get free hosting under their scheme for charities, don't know what their plans are like compared to others as regards cost.

can't recall any difficulties with them.
I had sites with 34sp for several years and they were great. One was a registered charity and as such was free. Now with A2 hosting who aren't as good but okay.
I use Eco Web Hosting, have a friend that works there and she said they're reliable. Only a few quid a month, pretty basic control panel but it does everything I need.
I use this UK based lot, and have for many years, ended-up meeting the owner a couple of years ago, as he lives local & he's a nice guy, never had any problems with them.

cupid_stunt I nearly went with these guys some months back, then got distracted by other things and just this week have returned to trying to sort my web hosting out. But they seem now to have been absorbed into some other company. So far have you noticed any changes, like have they gone from friendly small operation too faceless megacorp?

Making enquiries with them again now, they don't seem as responsive as the person I dealt with at pixel who was very helpful and i was quite impressed with.
cupid_stunt I nearly went with these guys some months back, then got distracted by other things and just this week have returned to trying to sort my web hosting out. But they seem now to have been absorbed into some other company. So far have you noticed any changes, like have they gone from friendly small operation too faceless megacorp?

Making enquiries with them again now, they don't seem as responsive as the person I dealt with at pixel who was very helpful and i was quite impressed with.

I was a bit surprised when I received contact from the new company, so I phoned the former owner of Pixel to check it was legit, sadly they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Apparently he took over a another business from his retired father or FiL, building and maintaining ponds of all things, and was enjoying the physical work outdoors, and no longer spending most of his time in front of a computer.

They are still hosting my site without any issues, so I've not actually had any dealings with them, thus I can't comment on how responsive they are, sorry.

Although they did come up in conversation with my web-designer earlier this week, she has dozens of clients hosted by them, and she's only had to contact them once since the take-over and was happy with her dealings with them, if that helps.
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