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Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine


All aboard the 303 bus.
Just been watching the trailer for this and I genuinely cant decide if it looks shit or not....

I was a big fan of warhamer as a yoot', but I'd expect GOW gameplay and being able to choose you armies/chapters, but it looks like it has neither.
A few of my friends are looking forward to this game. They play the table top game and a couple of them are actually in Switzerland atm playing competitively for Wales.

Doesn't look like my cup of tea though. :D
Why Ultramarines? The shittest chapter by a long way and yet they seem to love them. I mean simply on gameplay dynamics the Blood angels or space wolves would be a better choice (black rage/wolf modes etc) and for plot the Dark Angels shit all over those whiter than white pansies.

Ahem, I may have revealed a little too much about my past there.
from the facebook updates it appears that there will be expansion packs later for other chapters, and there is a painting thingy in the demo for you to do your own second founding colour schemes. iirc.
You mean they don't just run and hide? How times have changed...

I've even played a couple of times. You should see their look of shame when I win. :D (Although they did weigh the odds in my favour...)
To be honest, it looks like any standard shooter (albeit a polished one) with a WH40k skin on it. It's all a bit meh.

And are those shields in the demo movies? Space marines, with shields?
Space marines don't need shields. Faith in the Emperor is their shield! They can take a power fist to the nuts because THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!
Terminators have always rocked the storm shield and thunder hammer look, not so sure about standard marines.
Aren't they already wearing a tonne of shield already? Why carry more?
Terminators have always rocked the storm shield and thunder hammer look, not so sure about standard marines.
That's a physical shield, that's fine. I mean that in this game they appear to have energy shields.
Does anyone still play 40k? I found a bunch of Eldar the other day and would be happy to give them away (for postage). If you don't wanna admit you want them for yourself, just lie and say they're for your nephew or whatever.
Does anyone still play 40k? I found a bunch of Eldar the other day and would be happy to give them away (for postage). If you don't wanna admit you want them for yourself, just lie and say they're for your nephew or whatever.
My son would probably enjoy repainting them. I don't think he actually plays, just paints.
Oooh Ill have a look at the demo when i get home.....

I was much of a blood marine/catachan jungle fighter collector, so thats what I would have liked.

Or chaos
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