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Wales has world's steepest street

and apparently according the the radio this morning they have an annual chocolate ball / malteasers roll ( 25,000 of them) down the hill

They should make it really icy and do sledging competitions. Might need significant quantities of straw bales or what have you at the bottom to minimise causalities.

Apparently Jutland Street in Manchester is about 33%, so not too far behind. Great for the legs walking up it. Wouldn't fancy cycling it given its cobbled.
Just because Guinness says so, doesn't mean it's the steepest street in the world.

I'd put money on the claim being utter nonsense.
Well yes, they probably have a definition of what counts as a street
It will be the steepest street in the world that conforms to an arbitrary definition and which someone has been bothered to measure. I hope the media attention will prompt other locations to come forward.
a road dedicated to the public use and metalled or otherwise made suitable for motor vehicles perhaps
It says something about having buildings on each side. If you check it out on google maps you can see it sort of has houses on it at the top and bottom bits, whilst the steep bit is more like a country lane, of which there are many in the UK and on which you could almost certainly find a steeper section if measured over a short enough distance.

I wouldn't be surprised if money has exchanged hands here; Wales has a long record of these kind of tourism scams.
Do you have any money left?
Doesn't matter whether I could pay up as I'd never have to. It'll not be long before we come back to this thread, once a local tourist office in the Balkans or some other genuinely mountainous region in the world has realised this nonsense is a good way of getting some cheap press coverage.
Quite fancy trying that on my bike :D

Can't say that I would, even if I had a bike

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