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Very disappointed with Morrissey

At the same time i'm not sure where I stand with cultural/musical boycots of Israel. Who else is going to transform Israeli society progressively than Israelis - both Arabs and Jews? Are they all to blame for the crimes of the state?

A lot of Israelis have a very poor understanding of what goes on. When young people have, for instance, musicians they love and respect refuse to play their country, they will ask why.

This is apartheid and one tactic to break this is through Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.
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“If Elvis-fucking-Costello wants to pull out of a gig in Israel because he’s suddenly got this compassion for Palestinians then good on him. But I have absolutely one rule, right? Until I see an Arab country, a Muslim country, with a democracy, I won’t understand how anyone can have a problem with how they’re treated

He really said that? What. A. Cunt.
I saw Lydon at the time saying the same thing on stage. I emailed his management saying the music was very good, but his politics not so (referenced Rachel Corrie). They replied and said they would 'put my comments in the tour notes, so John would read them'. It's possible he did I suppose.

I genuinely 100% think that if you guys got your 'dream' and Palestine got their 1968 land back and they left each other alone (I actually agree with this as well lol) and everything became normal that Palestine would be a hideous mess in one or two years and there would be police and soldiers shooting people like there were in Israel but because it couldn't be blamed on anyone like it is with Israel now noone on u75 and suchlike would give a fuck it would just be another country where you shake your head like pretty much every other country in the region
Iraq and Iran have governments who are much more militaristic than Israels for example...
Europeans only give a fuck about Palestinians because they hate Jews.whitey never sticks up for Kurds, the only person who gave the Kurds any recognition as a nationality was Saddam Hussein and the Americans had him hung and then put it on Youtube

I think Europeans should maybe stop frowning on other countries since they go on and on about how they are such democratic societies and yet these democracies have more wars than anywhere else....
Europeans only give a fuck about Palestinians because they hate Jews.whitey never sticks up for Kurds, the only person who gave the Kurds any recognition as a nationality was Saddam Hussein and the Americans had him hung and then put it on Youtube

I think Europeans should maybe stop frowning on other countries since they go on and on about how they are such democratic societies and yet these democracies have more wars than anywhere else....

trying very very hard with the old anti semetism 'j'accuse!'
it's like watching an ageing prizefighter take on one last ill considered bout
Maybe Israel should copy Sri Lanka and just wipe them the fuck out. Yeah but noone gives a fuck about Sri Lanka, Morrissey would never play Sri Lanka, it's totally cool there now
I drink French or Chinese wine

That is a great argument

I don't think anyone has presented an argument why Europeans pick on Israelis instead of any of the other countries in the world who have problems like that. Why can't the Israelis just get along with the Palestinians like the religious people in North Ireland or Scotland or the joyous people of South France who all join together in a celebration of their god of many names
Except for all those europeans who through guilt/christianity side with Israel on the grounds of 'chosen people' and all that

It's an interesting question tbh, why does the issue of isreal/palestine fracture people along certain lines? I'm sure somebody must have done an essay on it
Would it be better to boycott gigs in Israel, or do them but denounce the actions of the Israeli state and demand justice for Palestine on the stage?
Maybe Israel should copy Sri Lanka and just wipe them the fuck out. Yeah but noone gives a fuck about Sri Lanka, Morrissey would never play Sri Lanka, it's totally cool there now

In the papers I noticed a fair few 'five-star' holidays being advertised at cut prices when the Sri Lankan government was genociding the Tamils.
I drink French or Chinese wine

That is a great argument

I don't think anyone has presented an argument why Europeans pick on Israelis instead of any of the other countries in the world who have problems like that. Why can't the Israelis just get along with the Palestinians like the religious people in North Ireland or Scotland or the joyous people of South France who all join together in a celebration of their god of many names
because zionists are cunts?
This is a great piece:

ecause when I play Morrissey’s music, I’m not imagining him sitting in a corner sticking pins into voodoo dolls of Diane Abbott and Sadiq Khan. I’ll be transported back to being a kid finding work for idle hands to do, the youth feeling only half ashamed, the grown-up singing my own life. I’ve taken from Morrissey what I needed to make my life more colourful. What my chosen entertainer does in his spare time is actually none of my business.

As long as he doesn’t release a track called Actually, I Hate Brown People, Particularly You, Yes, You, Shihab, I won’t take it personally. I’m fine with Morrissey being weird and misunderstood. Which, incidentally, is why those of us allergic to normal were drawn to him in the first place.

It’s Weird Being An Immigrant Muslim Morrissey Fan
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