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Urgent name question on easyjet - made a spelling mistake

Paging someone who might know (probably Bahnhof Strasse )

Just printing my boarding passes for our holiday tomorrow and realised I've added an extra letter into our surname for my son. So basically he's down as Foal Trashhy rather than Foal Trashy. My name is spelling correctly.

Easyjet want £47 for changing it. What happens if I pretend I just didn't notice? :oops:
I've made spelling mistakes on easyjet bookings before and never had a problem.
one member of staff once told me that 'up to three spelling mistakes were tolerated'. Ididn't fully get that tbh, since my name could be Ian and I could make 3 mistakes turning myself into a Tom.
Paging someone who might know (probably Bahnhof Strasse )

Just printing my boarding passes for our holiday tomorrow and realised I've added an extra letter into our surname for my son. So basically he's down as Foal Trashhy rather than Foal Trashy. My name is spelling correctly.

Easyjet want £47 for changing it. What happens if I pretend I just didn't notice? :oops:
I've done this. I paid the fifty quid rather than risk getting knocked back at the airport.
In years gone by I’d have said you’d be fine, common sense would prevail at the check in desk.

Nowadays? Not sure I’d risk it. Flying has become bloody awful :(
I've just remembered that last time I flew with them, my dad lost his passport about a week before we left so had to get a new one. I spoke to them and they said it would have to be changed at the airport and my dad should get there 3 hours before departure which was utter bullshit. When he got there, they said it didn't matter and just to go through - I don't think they even updated their system :confused:
I travelled this year with my ticket in the name of Mr Felixthecat, as opposed to Ms. No one queried my gender - hurrah:D

However, if the name isn't the same as the name in the passport I don't think I'd risk it.
I've just remembered that last time I flew with them, my dad lost his passport about a week before we left so had to get a new one. I spoke to them and they said it would have to be changed at the airport and my dad should get there 3 hours before departure which was utter bullshit. When he got there, they said it didn't matter and just to go through - I don't think they even updated their system :confused:

Yeah, airline systems are woefully short on correct information regarding this. I had to book a flight well in advance of getting an new passport and could I find some coherent information about being able to use a passport which you didn't register under?

In the end it was fine. But there was no info to tell you this. Load of bollocks.
Yeah, airline systems are woefully short on correct information regarding this. I had to book a flight well in advance of getting an new passport and could I find some coherent information about being able to use a passport which you didn't register under?

In the end it was fine. But there was no info to tell you this. Load of bollocks.
Which is bizarre really because your passport number is supposed to be the identity document you travel on. He could have been a totally different bloke with the same name :confused:
Which is bizarre really because your passport number is supposed to be the identity document you travel on. He could have been a totally different bloke with the same name :confused:

Oh that too yeah. I once had a flight on BA to Los Angeles booked which I couldn't use, couldn't change the date on, couldn't refund, couldn't re-name to anyone else. I could only cancel it, or use it on that date (or have someone with my exact name use it on that date).

In the end I offered it for free on the internet to anyone who knows anyone who shares my exact name. Didn't even care if I knew them. Still no takers.
Oh that too yeah. I once had a flight on BA to Los Angeles booked which I couldn't use, couldn't change the date on, couldn't refund, couldn't re-name to anyone else. I could only cancel it, or use it on that date (or have someone with my exact name use it on that date).

In the end I offered it for free on the internet to anyone who knows anyone who shares my exact name. Didn't even care if I knew them. Still no takers.
I've seen the movie
Non-Transferable (film) - Wikipedia
It's not the greatest film ever but does have a few funny moments
We had this with a friend when the boarding pass said 'Dave' and the passport 'David'. Common sense prevailed but this was a BA flight. Good news on getting through and I hope you have no problems on the way back.
Depends a lot where you are heading IME - Anything flying to or transiting the US will be punctilious about name accuracy - you won't even get to board if there is an error.

Other places can be much less strict and the desk staff can correct in various ways.
My passport lists all four of my official name's. I've only ever purchased tickets using the two names I normally use. Nobody has mentioned it in 40+ years of flying. Even Ryancuntingair.
My OH was one refused a flight because he booked the ticked in the name Chris and it says Christopher on his passport. He had to buy a new ticket at the desk to get home (later refunded when he complained. Bellends)
My OH was one refused a flight because he booked the ticked in the name Chris and it says Christopher on his passport. He had to buy a new ticket at the desk to get home (later refunded when he complained. Bellends)
Which airline?
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