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United Auto Workers Strike

Since the strike began, the value of Ford’s offer increased by 50 percent, according to the UAW. Ford initially proposed a 9 percent wage increase, a 6-year progression to earning the top wage, $12,000 in cost-of-living (COLA) bonuses, and the same 6.4 percent employer 401(k) contribution as the company offered in the 2019 contract.

The new tentative agreement with Ford restores COLA to where it was before 2009, bringing workers’ total wage increase to 33 percent. Wages for starting workers will increase 68 percent to over $28 an hour, while wages for temp workers will increase by 150 percent. The progression to top wage was cut by more than half to 3 years, which hasn’t been the case since before 2009, and Ford’s 401(k) contributions were bumped to 9.5 percent.

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"Ultimately, the agreement with GM is a breakthrough because it will allow for the joint-venture workforce to vote on unionizing future plants and then decide if they want their own contract or to be part of the master contract. GM already is operating an Ultium Cells plant in northeast Ohio and it is building two more Ultium Cell plants: One in Spring Hill, Tennessee, and the other in Lansing, both expected to start operations within the next two years"

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