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UK Bass Radio - is anyone in the Brighton, Exeter or Southampton areas able to receive this pirate on FM?


Chief seagull hater & farmerbarleymow's nemesis.
I stumbled across this pirate yesterday with a very strong signal in Worthing on 87.5 FM, much better signal than Brighton's long estimated pirate, CodeSouth, and noticed they have a club night in Worthing next month, so I am not sure if their rig is in the Worthing area, or they are just putting out a cracking signal from Brighton.

Digging around on google, it certainly used to be on 88.9 FM in the Southampton area, and someone else says it's also on in Exeter in that part of the FM band. Are there any urbs in the Brighton, Exeter or Southampton areas that confirm they can receive this on FM?

From what I've heard so far, it's a cracking little station with live shows & DJ sets 24/7, and if they do have different FM relays of the online station in all these areas that would be very impressive indeed, and probably a first.

I’ve never given this any though before, but presumably in this internet age relays are much much easier than back in the analog day. You coukd just have a 4/4G phone connected to a transmitter and power source and never have to go near it once it was set up…
I’ve never given this any though before, but presumably in this internet age relays are much much easier than back in the analog day. You coukd just have a 4/4G phone connected to a transmitter and power source and never have to go near it once it was set up…

Yep, that's how most pirates operate now, they claim just to be online only stations and have no knowledge of who is relaying them on FM, which is both very clever and normally bullshit. :D

It protects the studios from raids, because they are 'unconnected' to the pirate operation, and there's no link transmitter to track back from the FM transmitter site to the studios, which is ideal.

Things have certainly moved on from my days, when shows had to be pre-recorded on cassette, so someone had to be on site to swap them over, and lugging car batteries to power portable transmitters in various fields and on hilltops, I lost so many jeans to bloody battery acid spills. :D
i reckon you need to get one of these Cupid and see if people get chatting to you on the street/ beach

i reckon you need to get one of these Cupid and see if people get chatting to you on the street/ beach


I may try that, I've certainly had people approach me when I am wearing a Radio Caroline T-shirts, normally they remember it and are surprised to find out they are still going, although I did have one chap approach me asking if I knew they had been granted a AM licence a couple of years ago, of course I did.
VHS on LP ;)

Ideal for tower block sites with mains supply, not so easy on hilltops & in fields, which at least provided more chance of getting away if raided.

Unless, of course, the police shout 'come back, or we'll set the dog on you', only to go back & find they didn't have a dog, that was a memorable afternoon in Eastbourne, and interesting court case too.
Bumped for the evening crew, anyone in those area fancy doing a quick band scan of the lower FM frequencies to satisfy my curiosity?
Il try when I get out of the pub, If I can , also got a mate on surrey / Hampshire border who I will ask .

Someone on a radio forum says they got it crystal clear all the way from London into Basingstoke, so it seems like decent coverage.

I noticed both UK Base and Brighton's CodeSouth had disappeared on Friday and are still missing, at first I thought rig thieves (OFCOM or unofficial) were about, but in fact there's still a carrier on 87.5, just no audio from UK Base, nothing on CodeSouth's 88.2.
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