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UFF and UVF paramilitaries to stand down


A modernist
Welcome news of course but I'll believe when I see it. Are people really expecting these groups (and the IRA) to cease their hugely profitable drug dealing and racketeering empires?

Where do the UDA come in all this? Will Johnny Adair be accepted in the Shankill again?
Johnny Adair has more chance of joining Mensa than getting back on the Shankill, I can only hope the ugly wee fuckers daft enough to try it, his Simply the Best t shirt soaked crimson would be a sight to behold.
Well in terms of being a sectarian fuckwit whose somehow managed to become a celebrity despite being blessed with the looks of Michael Foucault put through a vice, he is in a league of his own.
Where is he now? Somewhere in the midlands isn't it? Loads of C company went with him. My initial comment was a joke. I doubt they would ever be welcome back.
well he just got sent down for community service for beating the shite out of his wife whose suffering from cancer, in the middle of the park no less.

why isn't the BNP out complaining about this brutal drug pedalling wife beating immigrant?
revol68 said:
well he just got sent down for community service for beating the shite out of his wife whose suffering from cancer, in the middle of the park no less.

why isn't the BNP out complaining about this brutal drug pedalling wife beating immigrant?

He might ask for his money back? :p
mod said:
Mad Dog battered Mad Bitch? Where did you hear this?

it was all over the papers, infront of aload of kids in a park, apparently kicking her in the head.

If only the government would do a Billy Wright on him, not to say the piece of shit who done in King Rat is any better, that brave anti imperialist soldier (of the INLA) was in for shooting a doorman in the face cos he got turnt away.

God bless Northern Irelands political hoods.
revol68 said:
I can only hope the ugly wee fuckers daft enough to try it, his Simply the Best t shirt soaked crimson would be a sight to behold.

For some one who comes here and constantly evokes the madness of terrorism and its effect upon N-Irish society..i dont suppose that you where being ironic with your post.. :confused:
Hi Cem.
Just back from over there and revol is right about it being plastered over the papers. You see when he got probation and a compensation order to pay Gina 250 quid or something like that, they published his address in Bolton.
So aparrantly he and his family (I'm assuming Gina's back with him) are comming to Scotland. Glasgow so the rumour goes.

But a wee burdie tells me he's comming closer to my neck of the woods. Temperaraly anyway.

On the LVF announcement. I believe them. But there was a funny wee cartoon on the opinion page of the Irish News today suggesting they are being told to stand down or be wiped out by the UVF. And not doing it as a response to IRA Decommisioning.

All very interesting.
Sorry for the spelling I'm on my brother's apple powerbook and the slowest dial up in the world.
Dilzybhoy said:
Hi Cem.
Just back from over there and revol is right about it being plastered over the papers. You see when he got probation and a compensation order to pay Gina 250 quid or something like that, they published his address in Bolton.
So aparrantly he and his family (I'm assuming Gina's back with him) are comming to Scotland. Glasgow so the rumour goes.

But a wee burdie tells me he's comming closer to my neck of the woods. Temperaraly anyway.

On the LVF announcement. I believe them. But there was a funny wee cartoon on the opinion page of the Irish News today suggesting they are being told to stand down or be wiped out by the UVF. And not doing it as a response to IRA Decommisioning.

All very interesting.
Sorry for the spelling I'm on my brother's apple powerbook and the slowest dial up in the world.

I sent you a long e-mail..but your box was full..
send you one tomorrow....slan
Come on now Dizzy finally your chance to get off the reserves bench and join the great NI game of murder.
play it right and MI5 will give you a gun :D
MI5 would rather give it a pseduo republican anti social headcase, actually.......

p.s. I have a problem with paramilitaries forcing their war onto everyone else, I have no fucking problem with fucks like Johnny Adair getting his karma. Same goes for that brave fuckface Sean Kelly who carried out the shankill bombing.

Just like no one cares that the brits set up Billy Wright.
nacho novo said:
Where did you hear that the U.V.F. and the U.F.F. were to stand-down?

Well ok pedant. It has been mooted that they might now follow suit. After all their Raison D'etre has "gone away".
when did the sunday world get a website again

thought they were sued into oblivion like the news of the world

the paper is worse


and of course the UVF reminants will just stop dealing drugs :D
when did the sunday world get a website again

thought they were sued into oblivion like the news of the world

the paper is worse


and of course the UVF reminants will just stop dealing drugs :D
It's more the 'let's write a load of stuff about our illegal shenanigans down on paper, especially about the gear we definitely decommissioned 12 years ago' side of things. Proper three dimensional chess.
HUGE IF TRUE caveats apply You'll never believe what happened next!!! etc etc

A loyalist source has contacted me to tell me that the East Belfast UVF have been stood down, effective from midnight tonight.

The statement is believed to have been issued by the UVF Brigade Staff, the group’s central command. It was read out across different areas as members of the paramilitary group met to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. A source said “loud cheers rang out at the news!”

“They’re an embarrassment to loyalism,” the source told me.

Irish crime podcast I follow has an episode on this. I find Ulster loyalism post the peace process/winding up of the IRA very interesting.

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