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UC, ESA, PIP=Got to pay 25% council tax?


New Member
Hi all.
My girlfriend has a 1 bedroom band A council flat, she lives alone and she receives Universal Credit, PIP (standard amount daily living) and New Style ESA (support group, main phase) and we assumed she would get her full council tax paid for her. But she has been told she will only get 75% of her council tax paid for her and she has to pay the remaining 25%.

If she could get Severe Disability Premium then I think that would allow her to get full council tax support as she would be considered part of a protected group. But the powers that be have made sure that she cant get Disability Premium as New Style ESA is not income related ESA. And she cant get Severe Disability Premium because she would need to have Disability Premium in order to claim Severe Disability Premium.

However I have noticed on the Disability Premium .GOV page that
"If you do not qualify, you may still get the premium if you’ve been unable to work for at least a year."
And she hasn't worked for two years, but I wonder how you convince the goblins at DWP that shes worthy of the premium?.

What is everyone else doing?.
Thanks in advance.
there is no council tax benefit now but council tax reduction (i think the major difference is each council now has a different scheme as opposed to the one national one before). but there's other deductions as well - see Check if you can pay less council tax

Hi all.
My girlfriend has a 1 bedroom band A council flat, she lives alone and she receives Universal Credit, PIP (standard amount daily living) and New Style ESA (support group, main phase) and we assumed she would get her full council tax paid for her. But she has been told she will only get 75% of her council tax paid for her and she has to pay the remaining 25%.

If she could get Severe Disability Premium then I think that would allow her to get full council tax support as she would be considered part of a protected group. But the powers that be have made sure that she cant get Disability Premium as New Style ESA is not income related ESA. And she cant get Severe Disability Premium because she would need to have Disability Premium in order to claim Severe Disability Premium.

However I have noticed on the Disability Premium .GOV page that
"If you do not qualify, you may still get the premium if you’ve been unable to work for at least a year."
And she hasn't worked for two years, but I wonder how you convince the goblins at DWP that shes worthy of the premium?.

What is everyone else doing?.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all.
My girlfriend has a 1 bedroom band A council flat, she lives alone and she receives Universal Credit, PIP (standard amount daily living) and New Style ESA (support group, main phase) and we assumed she would get her full council tax paid for her. But she has been told she will only get 75% of her council tax paid for her and she has to pay the remaining 25%.

If she could get Severe Disability Premium then I think that would allow her to get full council tax support as she would be considered part of a protected group. But the powers that be have made sure that she cant get Disability Premium as New Style ESA is not income related ESA. And she cant get Severe Disability Premium because she would need to have Disability Premium in order to claim Severe Disability Premium.

However I have noticed on the Disability Premium .GOV page that
"If you do not qualify, you may still get the premium if you’ve been unable to work for at least a year."
And she hasn't worked for two years, but I wonder how you convince the goblins at DWP that shes worthy of the premium?.

What is everyone else doing?.
Thanks in advance.
Council Tax Benefit was abolished by the Coalition government (thank you, Liberal Democrats). The rate of CTB was determined centrally, and it was fully funded. Jobless people received 100 per cent Council Tax relief.

CTB was replaced with Council Tax Support Schemes. Each council has its own scheme. The funding from central government for these schemes was cut by 10 per cent. Some councils makes up the deficit from the general Council Tax fund, most do not. The percentage that jobless householders are required to pay depends on the council. Some councils exempt people with disabilities or illness, some do not.

Councils in England take hundreds of thousands of jobless householders to court every year for defaulting on Council Tax. So, thanks to the Liberal Democrat support for Cameron’s Conservatives, there have been about a million court cases involving jobless householders in the past 8 years.

The thing to do is to contact a local advice centre. It should be familiar with the details of the Council Tax Support Scheme in your area. Also, look on the website of the local council, which should explain who has to pay what.
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