Not really - it was often labour councils that led the switch to identity politics way back in the 70s that started a progressive alienation of the white w/c in their own communities; all NuLab has done is continue the ludicrous policies of multiculturalism started in the 80s and turned into some kind of mantra.
I don't doubt that NuLabs 'neo-liberal' policies have had some impact, especially at the sharp end of housing provision and service delivery to poor communities, but it's not just poor areas where the BNP are making inroads, it's in many places that the AR/AF movements have never really bothered looking, places that are slightly more affluent, but have never had the idea that 'them' are coming, and in greater numbers, dispelled in any systematic way.
The re-emergence of the BNP is a failure of the left (or indeed any anti-racists) at the local level to be inclusive of the indigenous population, and a failure to engage with people who feel that wave after wave of immigrants IS scary, and DOES mean that they'll be getting less.