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U75 Pembrokeshire Camping Meet - September, in the Year of Our Lord 2018


Things Done
It has been suggested that people might like the idea of an Urban75 camping meet in Pembrokeshire some time in September. It has also, somewhat unwisely, been suggested that I might take care of getting the project off the ground.

From my point of view, it would make more sense to schedule it in for early September, and I imagine that most people would prefer something over a weekend.

So, expressions of interest are invited. I can research and organise a suitable venue - probably some kind of organised campsite, assuming the gathering is of any size whatsoever. Things you might want to think about are:
  • Beach, near a town, or open countryside? Or do you have a particular, specific preference for somewhere to go?
  • When - I would prefer a weekend, even a long one, as it is my weekdays that tend to fill up
  • Activities? (other, obviously from boozing and general Urbanite carnage)
  • Family friendly, or not?
And anything else you care to specify.

Indicate your preferences below. When I've got a rough idea of what people are looking for, I'll start digging up a few candidate options.
I know your thread title doesn't mean "Sep 18th, Tuesday".

Others might not.


And I might be in. If the drugs are good. ;)
I know your thread title doesn't mean "Sep 18th, Tuesday".

Others might not.


And I might be in. If the drugs are good. ;)
Corrected. You've all got the wrong date parser loaded :)

I am sure there will be good drugs. Pembrokeshire is full of excellent small breweries, just for a start ;)

I'll start intermittently updating the thread with the Story So Far...

So, we have one vote for w/e/c Fri 31st August
And one vote for it being near a beach
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We're in Cornwall that weekend :facepalm: Otherwise we'd definitely try to make it.:(

And Beach, obviously. Newgale or Broadhaven South both good.
Anyway, I'll be in the area during the bank holiday week, likely camping on Newgale beach and getting some surfing in for at least some of it. :thumbs:
Maybe maybe. Family depending. Weekend of 1st/2nd and Newgale gets my vote.
I quite regularly used to drive past Newgale for my work, and the one thing that I find slightly offputting about the prospect of camping there is how often the field is flooded. OK if we have excellent weather, but if there's bad weather before (or during), we're likely to be underwater...

Newgale camping field in inclement weather :D

I might well be up for this, in process of converting a van into camper of sorts so would be my first weekend away in it!
Weekend, but not school holidays - firstly because it will be utterly rammed and frankly hellish, and secondly because I don't want to bring my children.

Not fussed about ease of access to a town or beach - but something coastal with good sea views: not least because a decent breeze will keep the midges off.
Weekend, but not school holidays - firstly because it will be utterly rammed and frankly hellish, and secondly because I don't want to bring my children.

Not fussed about ease of access to a town or beach - but something coastal with good sea views: not least because a decent breeze will keep the midges off.
Hmm. I imagine that the very first weekend in September is still in the holidays...
Can we shove it along towards the middle? 8/9th, 15/16th?

Crowds are going to be fearsome if it's in the summer holidays - chances of getting a site are going to fuck all....
Can we shove it along towards the middle? 8/9th, 15/16th?

Crowds are going to be fearsome if it's in the summer holidays - chances of getting a site are going to fuck all....
Well, that's what I'm thinking more than anything else - if there's any number of us, it's going to be tricky in high season.
Well, that's what I'm thinking more than anything else - if there's any number of us, it's going to be tricky in high season.

The Scots have a rather brilliant custom - September weekend. Last weekend in September is a four day job, still got the decent weather and it gives everyone a chance to recover from the madness of August.

If it's high season it might also be a tad steep...

(If anyone wants an alternate, I can recommend the place I'm at - Aberafon on the Lleyn peninsula. Relaxed, beach, decent facilities and £8.50 per adult per night...IMG_20180622_192108935_HDR.jpg
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Here's an option I'm toying with...just as a suggestion.

Freshwater East - big wide sandy beach, southeast facing (so not brilliant for beach sunsets), but comparatively quiet, fairly near a road (in case people want to lug stuff down for beach barbeques, etc).

There's a campsite quite close (10 mins' walk), at Upper Portclew Farm. It's a Camping & Caravanning Club site, so I'd need to talk to them about how we do that, given that I don't imagine all of us are likely to be members (but I am). And, obviously, until I speak to them, I don't know about availability.

There's a pub not far away, which seems a little lacklustre, but there is a more dynamic operation down near the beach...assuming we're going to be in need of pubs!

Screenshot from 2018-06-24 14-50-30.png
Is this gonnna happen? My van went in for conversion today, bed going in on 4th august, I'd really like to spend a weekend in it before the season ends.
I was thinking about this today - I've been having a few ideas about other sites, and, now that term has ended and I'm not quite so flat out, I could make some enquiries...
The Scots have a rather brilliant custom - September weekend. Last weekend in September is a four day job, still got the decent weather and it gives everyone a chance to recover from the madness of August.

If it's high season it might also be a tad steep...

(If anyone wants an alternate, I can recommend the place I'm at - Aberafon on the Lleyn peninsula. Relaxed, beach, decent facilities and £8.50 per adult per night...View attachment 138745
wrong end of the country!! :D
wrong end of the country!! :D

yes, i'm fully aware of that - my point was not 'this is in/near Pembrokeshire, anyone fancy it?', more that given that Pembrokeshire is likely to be utterly rammed during the school holidays, this is another option.
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