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Trans Kids Deserve Better occupying Dept of Education


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Just though I'd pop this here in case anyone wants to turn up and show support - a group of trans kids (one of them is mine) are sleeping out for... a goodly long while, in front of Dept of Education to highlight the damage that current legislation and general political approach is doing to trans kids. Do turn up to wish them well and bring (vegan) snacks ;)
Thanks for coming by mango5 - I just went over for dinner which was very cheerful. I ended up being the supervising adult for half an hour or so when the adult observers their had to run some errands, but they seem to have a good and safe set-up. I will come by again after work on Tuesday. They are very happy to see any adult allies and everyone is welcome for dinner every evening this week at 7.30, or to pop by and lend support anytime.

Police have been OK and left them to it but they are a little nervous about Tuesday when the office reopens and the cops might be a bit more on their case.
Heh, I wrote 'they seemed shy when I dropped by' in my journal... Very 'my first protest' vibes, super safe and respectful and organised. Now I get it. Good preparation for the return of commuters :)
Well, it was brilliant chaos. And very moving at the end when the kids made some impromptu speeches. I had been thinking that one of the most important things about this protest is that in a way it speaks to all groups who are being dehumanised by narratives from powerful quarters right now. Some of these kids have been through a lot and have not been supported by their families, and contrary to one description I have seen online this week of trans kids, they are not 'Spoiled middle class brats whose parents can't say no to them' :mad: For some of these kids this group really is their family. :(

'Curtain call':

Yes, but they may have been lurking in the grates behind the banners. They are all coming out 6pm tonight.

We are joking that gsv is going to hose Robin down in the front garden before they're allowed in the house! :D

Hope I get to see them! Was planning on going down with some food before critical mass!
If you're there before about 7 you'll see them I think there'll be some speeches etc from 6.

Looking forward to having R back home but given what happened after the last protest they did I fully expect them to rush off to spend the whole weekend hanging out with the crew from this.
Emotional speeches being made right now. Admittedly the main reason I'm here is to make sure Robin gets home at a reasonable hour for dinner given they don't have their phone.
OK, Robin's not coming home at a reasonable hour, but as I was watching I knew there was no way they would be just packing up and going home - there was so much emotional energy there.

I think they need to hug about 500 people, then hang out with the protest crew somewhere other than where they were protesting and gradually 'come down' before they can leave
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