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Town and country offences - the differences

Someone today changed lanes, cutting me up as I was crossing the yellow box junction and entered the space beyond the yellow box that I had intended to drive into

Luckily no cameras down here
Classic in London too.
Having lived in both Portugal and Spain I thought their driving standards were poor, but the Scots are worse. There’s a complete disregard for lane discipline and I regularly have cars pull out in front of me and drive slowly. At least once a week I will be braking hard to avoid these people. As a result I drive even more carefully where it is a regular occurrence.

Speed limits are ignored. The limit through the village is 20. Very few vehicles stick to it. I’ve had buses almost force me off the road by catching me up when I’m doing 20, and for them to sit so close they’re almost touching me. Recently I had one doing this and flashing his lights at me. All because I was doing 20 in a 20 zone.

Scottish driving is awful.
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