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Town and country offences - the differences

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I get the feeling there is a difference to how the rules are applied in London compared to other places in the UK eg. Junction boxes.
My daughter and people she knows in Suffolk tend to ignore junction boxes whereas here in town I know if I stopped in one I would get a ticket. A side issue to this is many people round here seem pretty clueless about them.
Is this just my imagination or is this correct. Are there other examples is parking.
Here in the wilds of Cambridge we don't have box junction cameras, red light cameras or 20mph speed cameras. You can happily commit all three offences because police traffic enforcement has been handed to a three-county joint roads policing unit who never venture into the city.
What’s a junction box (wrt roads)? Do you mean those painted bits for cyclists at lights? Everyone here behaves as if they don’t exist. I try to respect them, but other drivers can get annoyed when I do.
What’s a junction box (wrt roads)? Do you mean those painted bits for cyclists at lights? Everyone here behaves as if they don’t exist. I try to respect them, but other drivers can get annoyed when I do.
The yellow checked markings at traffic lights.
I'm guessing carrying your shotgun even in a shotgun bag through London to a 1/4 of a mile from a car park to gunsmiths would have a slightly different outcome than in Salisbury (none)
Not me BTW.
I'm guessing carrying your shotgun even in a shotgun bag through London to a 1/4 of a mile from a car park to gunsmiths would have a slightly different outcome than in Salisbury (none)
Not me BTW.
Might depend on what precise sort of "gunsmith" you were visiting.
I've only ever had one fine for stopping in a Box Junction, it was in Wandsworth, and another car cut me up (presumably didn't get fined) & I did . No idea if they all have working cameras.
I work half a mile away from what allegedly is the most profitable junction box in the country. IIRC, the article I read about it a while ago claimed it generates more than half a million quid a year in fine revenues for Kensington & Chelsea Council. That’s one camera at one location.

FWIW, I don’t disagree with fines for blocking junction boxes, because even one driver being stupid or selfish enough not to wait for the traffic in from to move forward, and then being left stuck in the middle of the junction when the lights change will cause cause a disproportionate amount of congestion even for one odd-minute. The problem is that many drivers in London are now scared of being fined, and ignorant of the fact that it’s perfectly legal to wait on a junction box with green lights when intending to turn right, so long as you have cleared the box when the lights go green for the perpendicular direction traffic. So many folk remain timidly outside of the junction box until the traffic on the opposite direction lane stops, sometimes resulting in no more than one or two bloody cars clearing a busy junction per traffic lights sequence.

It is also true local authorities have used the rules as a way to raise revenue in the most ruthless way. Such as in cases when the offending car had been left standing with just its back wheels and arse end of the vehicle standing over the edge of the yellow box.

Technically a valid infraction, but as much of a cunt’s trick as, say, a cyclist arriving home and mounting a deserted pavement with their front wheel for half a metre whilst still riding the bike instead of fully dismounting whilst still on the tarmac and lifting the bike onto the pavement.
It's a lot less regulated down here than London but that's cos everybody is so much more fucking chilled out. Everybody just double parks, they stick their hazard lights on and nobody bats an eyelid.

Last time I was in London some bloke undertook me to scream abuse at me cos I let somebody out of a parking space. Everybody is so fucking angry.
I've only ever had one fine for stopping in a Box Junction, it was in Wandsworth, and another car cut me up (presumably didn't get fined) & I did . No idea if they all have working cameras.
There are some horrible junction boxes in Wandsworth where you can easily get blocked in to them. I did likewise outside the fire station on West Hill. I don't believe all the cameras are working but I certainly couldn't tell you which ones.
It's a lot less regulated down here than London but that's cos everybody is so much more fucking chilled out. Everybody just double parks, they stick their hazard lights on and nobody bats an eyelid.

Last time I was in London some bloke undertook me to scream abuse at me cos I let somebody out of a parking space. Everybody is so fucking angry.
The worst the traffic conditions, the more instances of people starting to behave like selfish cunts.

Human nature, and by no means exclusive to drivers. Just as many people would respect a queue at a theatre, shop, bus stop or gig if short, but will try to jump it if it’s bloody long. Sadly in London traffic congestion is at its worst ever for record amounts of time, which turns drivers into ‘every cunt for themselves’ monsters.
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I get the feeling there is a difference to how the rules are applied in London compared to other places in the UK eg. Junction boxes.
My daughter and people she knows in Suffolk tend to ignore junction boxes whereas here in town I know if I stopped in one I would get a ticket. A side issue to this is many people round here seem pretty clueless about them.
Is this just my imagination or is this correct. Are there other examples is parking.

There's a junction box near here where two lanes merge into one right after it so traffic always backs up into the box. There's no point having the two straight ahead lanes anyway because fifty yards before the junction there's only one.

Doesn't excuse drivers going into the junction when their exit isn't clear though. It's not a complicated rule. There's a pedestrian crossing right after the box junction and drivers always block that as well.

IIRC box junctions is one of those things that somehow neither the police nor the local authority is allowed to enforce. Like parking in bike lanes. I think that's changing though and councils will be able to put up yellow box cameras and fine people. I look forward to the weeping and wailing on the local facebook groups if that happens, oh it's war on motorists, expecting us to suddenly follow a rule that's existed for decades, it's just the WEF trying to take our range rovers away again just like they did before.
The problem is that many drivers in London are now scared of being fined, and ignorant of the fact that it’s perfectly legal to wait on a junction box with green lights when intending to turn right, so long as you have cleared the box when the lights go green for the perpendicular direction traffic.

You can wait if your right turn is blocked by oncoming traffic but not if your exit is blocked eg by queuing traffic. So the basic rule is the same whichever way you're going; don't go into the box until your exit is clear.
There's another yellow box near here that's on a roundabout and you sort of have to commit to driving into it before you can see if your exit is clear. The alternative is blocking the whole roundabout. Also the box is before a traffic light, not after it. Just completely wrong.
I suppose a good thing about enforcement cameras is that they force highways authorities to actually make their roads compliant with regulations if they want to get the cash. There's two box junctions near me I regularly enter before my exit is clear because they've been so poorly designed I'd otherwise have to do a U-turn and find a different route. The council are so incompetent there was a one-way road that wasn't signed as such from a side road, and it took me six months of lobbying councillors to get them to restore the mandatory white arrow on blue sign to stop people driving down it the wrong way. There's also a mini-roundabout that you don't have to give way at due to a missing sign, but I've given up on that one. If these all had enforcement cameras too I'm sure they'd be sorted as soon as the first appeal came in.
I get the feeling there is a difference to how the rules are applied in London compared to other places in the UK eg. Junction boxes.
My daughter and people she knows in Suffolk tend to ignore junction boxes whereas here in town I know if I stopped in one I would get a ticket. A side issue to this is many people round here seem pretty clueless about them.
Is this just my imagination or is this correct. Are there other examples is parking.

IRC box junctions is one of those things that somehow neither the police nor the local authority is allowed to enforce. Like parking in bike lanes. I think that's changing though and councils will be able to put up yellow box cameras and fine people. I look forward to the weeping and wailing on the local facebook groups if that happens, oh it's war on motorists, expecting us to suddenly follow a rule that's existed for decades, it's just the WEF trying to take our range rovers away again just like they did before.
When Surrey CC applied to start enforcing box junctions I'm sure I read that until recently Tfl was the only organisation with statutory authority to enforce stationary offences with cameras so I assume they have been able to do so for a while which might explain the difference.
I'm guessing carrying your shotgun even in a shotgun bag through London to a 1/4 of a mile from a car park to gunsmiths would have a slightly different outcome than in Salisbury (none)
Not me BTW.
Must admit it never really bothered me walking round to my my car with one or two shotguns in their slips (shotgun bag) to go clay-shooting here in East London.

No longer have any as shooting has now become so expensive and new cartridge types made one of my (old) guns obselete.

Anyway, off topic, sorry. :)
There are some horrible junction boxes in Wandsworth where you can easily get blocked in to them. I did likewise outside the fire station on West Hill. I don't believe all the cameras are working but I certainly couldn't tell you which ones.
It's probably the biggest one I've seen, I think it was on Lavender Hill ?
Must admit it never really bothered me walking round to my my car with one or two shotguns in their slips (shotgun bag) to go clay-shooting here in East London.

No longer have any as shooting has now become so expensive and new cartridge types made one of my (old) guns obselete.
That is the end of my client's prepared statement and, following my professional advice, he will offer no further comment to any more of your questions, thank you.
I'm guessing carrying your shotgun even in a shotgun bag through London to a 1/4 of a mile from a car park to gunsmiths would have a slightly different outcome than in Salisbury (none)
Not me BTW.

Part of my job some years ago was doing criminal record checks on potential taxi drivers, in a fairly rural part of the world.

one came back and had been done for unlawful possession of a shotgun.

i found this a bit more alarming than my manager did - he was local, so his first thought on the mention of shotguns was poaching. being from south london, my first thought was post offices...

i think that counts as 'cultural differences'...
The cunt’s trick is when traffic is flowing with enough space the other side for a couple of cars, but the car in front of you pulls up well short of the car in front of them, leaving you with your arse hanging in the box. Has happened to me before but fortunately not one with a camera.

Should you just wait until there is definitely space for you every time, which would delay traffic flow, or use your best judgment and get caught out like this (or when car in front stops just after box and lets someone in?).
Someone today changed lanes, cutting me up as I was crossing the yellow box junction and entered the space beyond the yellow box that I had intended to drive into

Luckily no cameras down here
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